Ricevo e inoltro.
Da: "Prof. Fabio Toninelli" fabio.toninelli@tuwien.ac.at Oggetto: PhD opening in Probability (Technical University of Vienna) Data: 26 aprile 2024, 09:02:18 CEST Dear colleague,
The Technical University of Vienna is advertising a PhD position in probability theory (with focus on discrete probability), within the Probability research group (https://www.tuwien.at/en/mg/proba) https://www.tuwien.at/en/mg/proba.
Deadline for applications: 23:59 CET on May 16th, 2024. The application should contain:
1. A CV of the candidate 2. A motivation letter. 3. A proof of the last academic degree (diploma). 4. A transcript of the grades of the candidates from their last academic year. 5. One letter of recommendation to be sent to karriere@tuwien.ac.at mailto:karriere@tuwien.ac.at.
For the official announcement, the link to the application portal and details on the position, see here: https://jobs.tuwien.ac.at/Job/231892 https://jobs.tuwien.ac.at/Job/231892.
Candidates who have not yet obtained their master degree but will do so within the calendar year are encouraged to apply.
Please forward this to potentially interested candidates.
Best wishes,
Fabio Toninelli