Apologies for cross-posting
Second Call for Papers: Energy Finance Italia 9 Conference (EFI9) University of Bari, February 12-14, 2024
Deadline for submission of organized sessions: November 27, 2023 Deadline for extended abstracts/papers: December 4, 2023 Web: https://events.math.unipd.it/EFI9 Contact: efi9@uniba.it The Conference puts together researchers and practitioners working in all areas of Energy-Finance & Climate-Change related research in economics, finance, engineering, data science and mathematics. Participants are encouraged to submit their papers or proposals of organized sessions on a wide range of theoretical and applied topics in these two research fields, such as (but not limited to): Energy and climate data science, Energy forecasting, Energy innovations, Energy markets, Energy analytics, Energy mix and carbon emission trading, Energy supply chain, ESG, Green finance & financing energy infrastructure, Climate policy and risk, Climate change & market efficiency, Climate change & pricing uncertainty, Regulation and regulatory risk, Renewable sources, Risk measurement and management, Storage devices, Sustainable finance.
Keynote speaker: Ruediger Kiesel
Award: Best EFI9 Paper, reserved to the presenters born after January 1st, 1994
Special issue of Energy Economics associated with this conference
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Bari.
for the organizing committee
Viviana Fanelli and Tiziano Vargiolu