The call for a 16 month postdoc (assegno di ricerca) is open at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). The topic of the research is
*Italian: **Esecuzione ottimale e dinamica di alta frequenza in mercati foreign exchange*
*English: Optimal execution and high frequency dynamics in foreign exchange markets*
and the research will likely be conducted in collaboration with the FX desk of HSBC (London)
The details of the call are at
Italian di-ricerca-%E2%80%9Caccordo-di-ricerca-hsbc-sns-analisi- delle-microstrutture-dei-0
English 9Chsbc-sns-research-agreement-microstructure-financi
The deadline is April 14. I would be grateful if you could forward this message to any potentially interested candidate.
The interested candidates can either contact me ( or the addresses in the call in case they need further information.
Thanks and all the best,
Fabrizio Lillo ---------------------------------------- Fabrizio Lillo Scuola Normale Superiore Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 56126 Pisa ITALY
New website:
phone: +39 050509159