A call for a one-year postdoc is open at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy). The topic of the research is "Systemic risk in financial markets across time scales” and it is funded by the Scuola Normale. The details of the call are at
IT: https://www.sns.it/scuola/opportunit%C3%A0-offerte-dalla -normale/bandi-di-concorso/assegni-di-ricerca ENG: https://en.sns.it/bando/research-contract-named-%E2% 80%9Csystemic-risk-financial-markets-across-time-scales%E2%80%9D
The deadline is July 5. I would be grateful if you could forward this message to any potentially interested candidate.
Thanks and all the best, Daniele Tantari