---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 10:44:38 +0000 From: Sekretariat LEF sekretariat.lef@wiwinf.uni-due.de Cc: ""Kiesel, R?diger"" Ruediger.Kiesel@uni-due.de Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: Energy and Commodity Finance Conference 2016 - ESSEC Business School - Paris
Dear All,
Attached please find the call for papers as well as more information on the Energy and Commodity Finance Conference taking place in Paris on 23 and 24 June 2016.
Kirsten van der Koelen
(Secretary to Professor R?diger Kiesel)
Kirsten van der Koelen
Lehrstuhl f?r Energiehandel und Finanzdienstleistungen
Universit?t Duisburg-Essen
Campus Essen
Raum R09 R00 H35
Universit?tsstra?e 12
45141 Essen
phone: +49 (0)201 183-4973
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Dear Colleague,
The Energy and Commodity Finance Conference 2016 follows in the footsteps of a long standing series of Energy Finance meetings that held their first event in London in 2004 and nowadays represents the benchmark academic conference in the area.
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? Carol Alexander (University of Sussex)
? Giovanni Barone-Adesi (Universit? della Svizzera Italiana)
? Fred Espen Benth (University of Oslo)
? Derek Bunn (London Business School)
? Jaime Casassus (Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile)
? Anna Creti (University Paris Dauphine)
? Rita D'Ecclesia (University of Rome La Sapienza)
? Jer?me Detemple (Boston University)
? Ronald Huisman (Erasmus University)
? Sebastian Jaimungal (University of Toronto)
? Scott Linn (University of Oklahoma)
? Nikos Nomikos (Cass Business School)
? Michel Robe (American University)
? Andrea Roncoroni (ESSEC Business School)
? Duane Seppi (Carnegie Mellon University)
? Ke Tang (Tsinghua University)
? Luca Taschini (London School of Economics)
? Anders Trolle (Swiss Finance Institute)
? Rafal Weron (Wroclaw University of Technology)
The conference covers all areas of energy finance and commodity finance, including:
? Asset pricing and hedging
? Contract securitization and derivative structuring
? Risk measurements and management
? Asset management and portfolio allocation
? Trading strategies and operations
? Macro market analysis and microstructure
? Corporate finance of producers and end consumers
? Long-term investment financing
? Regulation (EMIR, REMIT, MIFID, Dodd-Franck)
? Quantitative financial modeling
? Econometric analysis and statistics
? Physical operations management
? Real options and physical asset valuation
? Decision theory
and the following markets:
? Conventional fossil energy: oil, gas, refined products
? Electricity
? Metals: precious, base, ferrous, specialist non-ferrous, rare
? Agriculturals: softs, grains and seeds, livestock
? Renewable energy sources
? Commoditized services (CO2 allowances, shipping freights)
? Weather-linked securities
? Currencies
A round table will gather academic and professional experts to discuss major aspects of the financialization of energy and commodity markets in the current global environment, including international trading and investment opportunities, production-side corporate finance challenges, end consumer dynamics, accounting standards, and regulatory compliance.
? March 1, 2016: Submission deadline (full/working papers, PDF files)
? April 15, 2016: Notification of acceptance/rejection
? May 1, 2016: Registration deadline (early bird)
For additional information, you are welcome to visit:
Energy and Commodity Finance 2016 website
For administrative inquiries, please write to: ecomfin2016@essec.edu
?We look forward to meeting you in Paris.
The Organizing Committee (Francis Declerck, Giovanni Pagliardi, Sofia Ramos, Andrea Roncoroni)
and The Energy and Commodity Finance Association Board (?lvaro Cartea, R?diger Kiesel, Andrea Roncoroni)
Energy and Commodity Finance RESEARCH CENTER