Cari colleghi
Lunedì prossimo avrà inizio il ciclo mensile di seminari online promosso dal Gruppo UMI PRISMA:
1 Febbraio 2021, ore 16:00-18:00: Franco Flandoli, Mario Maurelli
TITLE: Regularization by noise
ABSTRACT: The presence of the irregular fluctuations of a noise sometimes improves the theory of differential equations, ordinary or partial, a phenomenon today called "regularization by noise". This joint talk will introduce the problem in finite dimensions, by some classical and some more recent examples and results. Then it moves to SPDEs, where the results are mostly recent and under investigation. The different roles of additive noise and multiplicative transport type noise, the latter with its fluid mechanic flavour, will be described.
Collegamento Teams:
Grazie per l'attenzione e scusate le ripetizioni,
Domenico Marinucci e Claudia Ceci