Bocconi Summer School in Advanced Statistics and Probability ''Random Graphs and Complex Networks: Structure and Function'' July 8-19, 2019, Como http://bocconi2019.lakecomoschool.org
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 edition of the Bocconi Summer School in Advanced Statistics and Probability, on RANDOM GRAPHS AND COMPLEX NETWORKS: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, will take place on July 8-19, 2019, at Villa del Grumello, on the shores of the Lake of Como, Italy.
INSTRUCTORS Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL) Shankar Bhamidi (University of North Carolina, USA) Tutorials: Souvik Dhara (New England Lab, Microsoft Research and MIT, USA) Clara Stegehuis (Eindhoven University of Technology, NL)
PROGRAM Random graphs are at the forefront of applied probability, and a central topic in multidisciplinary science where mathematical ideas are used to model and understand the real world. The aim of this course is four-fold: present novel models to describe real-world networks, and their topological properties; study their local behavior; discuss networks functionality, as described by stochastic processes on them; and discuss several statistical problems of networks and their functionality, including community detection, estimation of preferential attachment functions, estimation of the source of an epidemic. The school will present basic material in the first week, while the second week will contain more advanced material, at the forefront of science.
The Bocconi Summer School in Statistics and Probability is offered by Bocconi University, Milano, and is hosted by the Lake Como School of Advanced Studies. The aim of the School is to establish a track of high level courses on cutting-edge topics in Statistics and Probability. The school offers lectures delivered by internationally leading scholars on the specific designated topic, and supervised tutorials. The summer school is open to all interested scholars, but is especially addressed to PhD students, and possibly to brilliant MSc graduates/students interested in pursuing doctoral studies in Statistics, Probability, Data Science, Computer Science and related fields.
A POSTER SESSION will take place in the first week of the school, where participants, upon request, may present their research.
APPLICATIONS: In order to foster active interaction among students and instructors, the School is targeted for a class of at most 30 qualified and selected participants. Deadline for applications: March 27, 2019.
REGISTRATION and FEES. The registration fee (530 euro) covers all the school activities and course material; accommodation for the 2 weeks, wi-fi connection; all work-days lunches in the beautiful park of Villa del Grumello; welcome cocktail. Admitted participants should register by April 23, 2019.
For more information, please visit the school website bocconi2019.lakecomoschool.org or contact BBS.statistics@unibocconi.it