Ricevo e inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Emilia Mezzetti <mezzette@units.it mailto:mezzette@units.it> Date: 2018-06-05 20:17 GMT+02:00 Subject: Position of associate professor in Probability and Statistics - University of Trieste To:
Dear everybody, I wish to signal the opening of a position of Associate professor in Probability and Statistics at the University of Trieste. Please distribute this announcement. Best regards, Emilia Mezzetti
Associate Professor in Probability and Statistics University of Trieste Department of Mathematics and Geosciences – Excellence Department 2018-2022
The Department of Mathematics and Geosciences was recently selected by the Italian Ministry of Research and University as one of the Excellence Departments among all the Italian State universities. Because of this, the Department will receive a special financial support in the next five years, which will involve human resources, investments, and high quality didactical activities.
In this framework the Department invites qualified researchers in the field of Probability and Mathematical Statistics to submit expressions of interest in view of the opening of a position of Associate Professor in the Italian recruitment sector MAT/06 - Probabilità e Statistica.
The candidates must either have been declared eligible by the Italian Ministery of Research and University to the position of Associate Professor, or be currently employed in an equivalent position in an Italian or foreign department. Once recruited, they will be asked to teach courses at the first and second university levels, and possibly also to PhD students, for a total amount of 120 hours per year. The research activity will be such as to satisfy the guidelines of the Commission for Evaluation of Research of the University of Trieste, so to maintain a good scientific production.
The expressions of interest must be addressed to Prof. Francesco Princivalle, Director of the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, to the e-mail address direttoredmg@units.it mailto:direttoredmg@units.it, jointly with a curriculum vitae, possibly before June 30, 2018. Clearly enough, this initiative will have no influence on the final judgement for the recruitment.
-- Prof.ssa Emilia Mezzetti Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze Sezione di Matematica e Informatica Università degli Studi di Trieste Via A.Valerio 12/1 34127 Trieste, Italia
Stanza 227, II piano e-mail: mezzette@units.it mailto:mezzette@units.it tel. studio (++) 040 558 2650 tel. casa: (++) 040 43655 fax: (++) 040 558 2636 skype: emiliamezzetti
http://www.dmi.units.it/~mezzette/ http://www.dmi.units.it/~mezzette/