Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce the *third edition of the Complexity72h workshop*, which will take place at LUISS, Rome, Italy, on *July 1-4 2020*, as pre-event of the *NetSci 2020* Conference.
Complexity72h is an interdisciplinary workshop whose aim is to bring together young researchers from different fields of complex systems and complex networks. Participants form teams and carry out projects in a three days' time, i.e. 72 hours. The goal of each team is to upload on the arXiv a report of their work by the end of the event. The previous two editions have been a success: 11 out of 11 projects have become arXiv preprints and new collaborations have been born.
Each team will have a tutor that:
1. designs and proposes the project; 2. supervises its execution; 3. provides the necessary knowledge and data.
*Do you want to become a Complexity72h tutor?* We are opening a *call for tutors* targeting researchers in complex systems and networks. We are looking for people who wish to propose a stimulating project to a team of highly motivated students and postdocs, and have the stamina to carry it out in 72 hours.
But is it really possible to do it in just 72 hours? To succeed, we need:
1. A motivated and multidisciplinary team of resilient researchers; 2. A comfortable research environment and supportive staff; 3. A solid and feasible research project and a tutor who can make it happen.
We provide the first two. It is up to you to provide the last point. *Send your project proposal (title and abstract) and short CV to: complexity72h [at] gmail [dot] com* , or get in touch with us as soon as possible if you have any questions.
*The call for tutors deadline is February 7th, 2020.*
Looking forward to your ideas.
Complexity72h Organizers