Dear Collegues,
We are pleased to announce the workshop "Three Days in Quantum Mechanics", which will take place on June 6-8, 2018 in Genoa - Italy.
The workshop will be focused on the the mathematical aspects of Quantum Information and Quantum Incompatibility, with a particular reference to - quantum tomography; - quantum uncertainty relations and information-disturbance tradeoff; - quantum entanglement; - open quantum systems. The purpose of the workshop is to take stock of most recent significant advances and insights on the above topics, and enable the participants to jointly explore future directions and forge new collaborations. You can find some more information and an updated list of speakers at the following link:
Looking forward to seeing you in Genoa! With best regards,
The Organizing Committee Claudio Carmeli, Paolo Solinas, Alessandro Toigo, Bassano Vacchini, Nino Zanghi'.