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*Giovedì 16 Maggio, ore 11* Sala Rappresentanza, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' degli Studi di Milano via C. Saldini 50, Milano
il Professor *CLAUDIO MACCI*(Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
terrà un seminario dal titolo *Multivariate fractional (possibly compound) Poisson processes*
ABSTRACT: We present multivariate space-time fractional Poisson processes by considering common random time-changes of a finite-dimensional vector of independent classical (nonfractional) Poisson processes. In some cases we also consider compound processes. We obtain some equations in terms of some suitable fractional derivatives and fractional difference operators, which provides the extension of known equations for the univariate processes. In particular we show that, for each fixed $t\geq 0$, the conditional joint distribution of the components given their sum is multinomial, as happens for the nonfractional Poisson processes. Thus we consider a suitable multivariate "alternative" fractional Poisson process, and we study its asymptotic behavior for large times (large and moderate deviations). The results appear in two papers with Luisa Beghin.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Saluti Elena Villa