*GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy), *CRIF* (Bologna, Italy), *European Datawarehouse* (Frankfurt, Germany), *European Investment Bank* (Luxembourg),*European Investment Fund* (Luxembourg) and *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy) are partners in organising a Conference to be held in Venice on September 21-22, 2023.
The *CREDIT 2023* conference will bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in various areas of financial and socio-economic risk with the aim of creating a unique opportunity for participants to discuss research progress and policy as well as industry-relevant insights and directions for future research.
*CREDIT 2023* is the *twenty-second *in a series of events dedicated to various aspects of credit risk and organised under the auspices of: the *Department of Economics* and *VERA – Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies - of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice*, *ABI - Italian Banking Association*, *AIAF - Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi Finanziaria*, and *AIFIRM - Associazione Italiana Financial Industry Risk Managers*.
/Recent years have seen a series of crises (from health/pandemic to climate/energy) that have not only put a strain on global mechanisms previously seen as robust, but have exacerbated existing weaknesses and so increased vulnerability in new crisis situations. The social impact of the pandemic was partially mitigated by public interventions but social conditions then worsened with the soaring costs of energy, raw materials and inflation more broadly. Social and energy costs, which inevitably weigh on invidual countries and aggravate already delicate local situations (e.g., public debts), have led to growing geopolitical tensions, with global systemic consequences. The CREDIT 2023 conference will be dedicated to Social, Sovereign and Geopolitical Risks to discuss, evaluate and address the near- and medium-term macro-financial impact of persistent crises (“permacrisis”) that can affect the stability of financial as well as socio-economic systems./
The Scientific Committee consists of:
*Moritz Schularick* (Sciences Po Paris & University of Bonn, Programme Chair) *Francesca Campolongo* (Joint Research Center, European Commission) *Rajna Gibson* (University of Geneva & Geneva Finance Research Institute) *Helmut Kraemer-Eis* (European Investment Fund) *Jan Pieter Krahnen* (Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University)* Steven Ongena* (University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU Leuven, NTNU Business School & CEPR)* Loriana Pelizzon* (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE & Goethe University)* Roberto Rigobon* (MIT Sloan School of Management)* Stephen Schaefer* (London Business School)* Marti Subrahmanyam* (NYU Stern Business School) * Christoph Trebesch* (Kiel Institute)**
*PROGRAMME: Click here to see the conference programme https://www.greta.it/index.php/it/general-information-credit23/programme-2023*
**REGISTRATION: Click here to register https://registration.nexave.org/it/iscrizione-evento/27/22nd-international-conference-on-credit-risk-evaluation**
For the Registration Fees and more detailed information, please visit the *Conference website https://www.greta.it/index.php/it/credit-2023*