A call for a PostDoc position in probability and statistical mechanics is open at University of Rome Sapienza. Research topics include random loop models, interacting random walks, spin systems. The research activities will be carried on under the supervision of the principal investigator (PI) Dr. Lorenzo Taggi. The research program offers the opportunity to interact with the probability and mathematical physics communities of Rome three universities and with the research partners of the priority program “Random Geometric Systems” of German Research Foundation (DFG).
Time length: two years Salary: 2350 euro monthly (after taxes) Application deadline: 24th November Starting period: early 2022
For questions please send an email to the PI Lorenzo Taggi: lorenzo.taggi@uniroma1.it mailto:lorenzo.taggi@uniroma1.it
Relevant links: Webpage of the PI: https://sites.google.com/site/lorenzotaggiswebpage2/ https://sites.google.com/site/lorenzotaggiswebpage2/ Mathematics Department of Sapienza: https://www.mat.uniroma1.it/en https://www.mat.uniroma1.it/en How to apply: https://sites.google.com/site/lorenzotaggiswebpage2/open-positions/apply-for... https://sites.google.com/site/lorenzotaggiswebpage2/open-positions/apply-for-postdoc DFG Priority program “Random Geometric Systems”: https://spp2265.wias-berlin.de https://spp2265.wias-berlin.de/