Dear colleagues,
The probability and combinatorics groups at the University of Vienna, TU Vienna and TU Graz have recently been awarded a substantial grant from the Austrian Science Fund. Among other things, this 4.3M€ grant will fund 6 PhD positions and 8 postdocs for research on random discrete structures at the interface between probability/statistical mechanics and combinatorics. There will also be a number of events and scientific activities which ought to lead to a highly collaborative environment. (Stay tuned for further announcements!)
PhD and postdoc applications in these areas are warmly invited. The starting date is flexible but we target a start around September 2024 or before.
We encourage potentially interested candidates to consult the webpage of our project for more details about the grant and associated activities; the application page contains both additional scientific details of the relevant projects, practical details about the positions themselves (duration, salary, etc.) and instructions for the applications.
Also feel free to get in touch with one of us for any additional questions.
WIth best wishes,
Nathanaël Berestycki (Uni Wien, coordinator) Michael Drmota (TU Wien) Ilse Fischer (Uni Wien, co-coordinator) Mihyun Kang (TU Graz) Christian Krattenthaler (Uni Wien) Marcin Lis (TU Wien) Benedikt Stufler (TU Wien) Fabio Toninelli (TU Wien, co-coordinator)