la prossima settimana abbiamo ospite del Dipartimento il Dr. Otavio Menezes dell'Universita' di Lisbona, che terra' un seminario e due lezioni sul metodo di entropia per sistemi di particelle. Le lezioni sono pensate anche per studenti di dottorato. Sotto trovate i dettagli. Grazie Buona Giornata Alessandra
*(A) Seminar*
Monday 27 May, 16:00 Aula di Consiglio, Department of Mathematics, University La Sapienza
Speaker: Otavio Menezes (Univsersity of Lisbon)
Title: Relative entropy and scaling limits of interacting particle systems
Abstract: We obtain product approximations to the law of particle systems with exclusion and Glauber dynamics in finite volume, by establishing a bound on the relative entropy between the law of the system and the product measure. As applications of the entropy estimate we obtain the scaling limits of the density fluctuation fields close of equilibrium and bounds on the speed of convergence of the hydrodynamic limit. Joint work with Milton Jara.
*(B) Minicourse*
When: Tuesday 28 May, 15:00-17:00 and Wednesday 29 May, 14:00-16:00. Where: Room B, Department of Mathematics, La Sapienza
Speaker: Otavio Menezes (Univsersity of Lisbon)
Title: Relative entropy and scaling limits of interacting particle systems
Abstract: The relative entropy method was developed by H.T. Yau in the 90’s to study the hydrodynamics of the Ginzburg-Landau model, and then adapted to several different dynamics. In this course we present the Relative Entropy Method of Yau in the context of general continuous time Markov chains, as well as recent progress in the setting of exclusion and Glauber dynamics.
References: Funaki, T. Hydrodynamic Limit for Exclusion Processes, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics (2018) 6:417–480 Jara, M. and Menezes, O. Non-equilibrium fluctuations for a reaction-diffusion model via relative entropy, arXiv:1810.03418 Jara, M. and Menezes, O. Non-equilibrium Fluctuations of Interacting Particle Systems, arxiv.810.09526
************************************************* Prof. Alessandra Faggionato
Department of Mathematics University "La Sapienza" Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 - Rome
Office 5, Phone (0039) 06 49913252 *************************************************