Dear colleagues,
we are glad to announce the conference "Recent Advances in Random Processes" in honor of Paolo Baldi's 70th birthday taking place in Rome on September 10-11, 2018, at Citta` dellAltra Economia, in (the picturesque) Rione Testaccio.
The conference focuses on random processes and their recent use to several fields, for example finance, mathematical physics, statistics or cosmology, and wishes to celebrate Paolo Baldi's scientific contributions to probability and academic life.
The meeting is supported by Gnampa-INdAM funds and the ERC Grant PASCAL n. 277742.
For more details (e.g. invited speakers, registration and venue) please visit the (preliminary) conference website
For any other information do not hesitate to contact us at
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Rome!
Lucia Caramellino Claudio Macci Domenico Marinucci Barbara Pacchiarotti Maurizia Rossi Giulia Terenzi
--- Maurizia Rossi
FSMP Postdoctoral Fellow Laboratoire MAP5, Université Paris Descartes 45, Rue des Saints Pères 75006 Paris (France)
There are currently 10 positions open at (or in close collaboration with) the Chebychev laboratory at St Petersburg State University. Research conditions are excellent and salaries very competitive.
Information on the postdoc positions (2+1 years) can be found here: Information on the assistant/associate/full professorship positions (5+5 years) can be found here:
Application deadline is February 28, 2018
Attenzione: Mentre il postdoc puo' insegnare anche in inglese, la lingua di insegnamento per i professori sara' di solito il russo. Comunque nel caso di dubbi contattate le persone indicate nei bandi.