Buongiorno, Antoine Gloria mi ha pregata di pubblicizzare il gruppo di lavoro ``Oberwolfach Arbeitsgemeinschaft'' su ``Quantitative Stochastic Homogenization'' organizzata da A. Gloria, F.Otto ad Oberwolfach nella settimana
October 16th - October 22nd 2022.
Sotto trovate varie informazioni e al link anche una descrizione e un programma dettagliati, prese dalla mail che mi ha inviato.
Grazie dell'attenzione Saluti Alessandra %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Arbeitsgemeinschaft is an old Oberwolfach institution, started by Faltings and Deninger. It is a reading group with presentations, organized like a students' seminar. The target group are mathematicians of all academic age that are interested in an efficient introduction into a timely topic, with an own active participation. As opposed to workshops, people apply to participate.
Incidentally, at the end of each Arbeitsgemeinschaft, the participants discuss topics for next year. For a long time, there has been just a single strand. Recently, Oberwolfach decided to widen to three strands, of which Martin Hairer, Peter Scholze, and Andreas Thom are in charge. The idea is that Martin's strand will be targeted towards more applied topics. Martin asked Felix and me to organize the first event on this topic. (Fifteen years ago, Theo Sturm organized a week on Optimal Transportation).
It would be great if you could advertise the event; perhaps there are people in your environment that are interested. More details and the list of topics plus material for the talks are under
Thank you and best wishes,