ricevo ed inoltro. Pierre-Yves LOUIS
From: Arnaud RousselleArnaud.Rousselle@u-bourgogne.fr -----
Dear all,
The Annual RT GeoSto conference will take place in Dijon (France), June 12-16, 2023.
* Link to the website of the conference:https://geosto23.sciencesconf.org/
* Speakers of the mini-courses (June 12-13): Thomas Opitz (INRAE Avignon)
Christoph Thäle (Ruhr-Universität Bochum * Invited speakers of the conference (June 14-16):
François Bienvenu (ETH Zürich)
Frédéric Chazal (INRIA Saclay)
Nicolas Chenavier (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale)
Céline Duval (Université de Lille)
Florence Forbes (INRIA Grenoble)
Bruno Galerne (Université d'Orleans)
Matthieu Jonckheere (CNRS, LAAS Toulouse)
Cécile Mailler (University of Bath)
Emmanuel Roubin (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Laura Sangalli (Politecnico Milano)
* Registrations: free but mandatory and open on the website until May 12.
* Contributed talks: Some slots for 20 minutes contributed talks are reserved in the schedule; submission on the website until May 12.
* Grants for young researchers: We offer financial aid for a limited number of young researchers (Phd students, post-docs) who need support to cover transport and/or accommodation costs. Please contact Arnaud Rousselle (arnaud.rousselle[at]u-bourgogne.fr) if you are interested.
Best regards,
Arnaud Rousselle
on behalf of the organizing committee