*4th International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics (IWFOS 2017)*
*LOCATION AND DATES: *A Coruña (SPAIN), June 15th - 17th, 2017.
*DEADLINE TO SUBMIT SHORT CONTRIBUTIONS (6-8 pages in the required format): *December 31st, 2016.
*Book of Proceedings:* Short versions (6-8 pages in the required format) of the accepted contributions (oral or poster) will be collected in a book published by *Springer* http://www.springer.com/gp/.
*Special Issues in Scientific Journals*: This meeting will be the starting point for two Special Issues devoted to Functional Data Analysis: one in the *Journal of Multivariate Analysis* http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-multivariate-analysis/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-functional-data-analysis-and-related-topics and one in *Computational Statistics* http://www.springer.com/statistics/journal/180. It is worth mentioning that these Special Issues are not only open to the best presentations in IWFOS 2017, but also to any other innovative contributions in the field.
*WEBSITE: *http://iwfos2017.udc.es
Thank you for your attention.
Hoping to see you in A Coruña,
Sincerely Yours,
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees,
Ricardo Cao Philippe Vieu Germán Aneiros Enea Bongiorno