Workshop announcement
Random Structures and Models in Medicine, Biotechnology, Materials Science and Environment
September 12, 2014 Department of Mathematics Universita' degli Studi di Milano via Saldini 50, Milano, Italy
This workshop is an activity of the ECMI Special Interest Group "Shape and Size in Medicine, Biotechnology and Materials Science" (see and is aimed to give an overview to methods developed in Mathematical Morphology, Spatial Statistics, Stochastic Geometry, Numerical Analysis to model and to simulate random sets and functions with a spatial or geometrical structure. These models are useful in many applications where heterogeneous media, possibly evolving in time, appear, for instance materials, networks of vessels, evolution of pollutants, etc. Both theoretical and applied results will be discussed.
All the talks are invited, but participation is free and encouraged. Registration of participants is required for organizing reasons by September 7, 2014.
For further information please visit the web page of the workshop or contact