Logic, Uncertainty and Games Summer School (LUG2018) Lake Como School of Advanced Studies 9th-13th July 2018
Aims and structure ==================
The goal of the Logic, Uncertainty and Games School is to contribute towards the creation of cross-disciplinary common grounds for research on rational reasoning and (interactive) decision making under uncertainty. To this end the School will feature three eight-hour tutorials delivered by leading experts in the fields of Logic, Uncertainty and Games.
Each tutorial is followed by one (or more) example-class session aimed at developing in greater detail one specific topic (e.g. the full proof of a theorem or a generalisation of a notion which is being used in a particular case).
Finally, graduate students and junior researchers will deliver Work-in-progress sessions. This will provide them a unique opportunity to receive feedback from the School lecturers, while developing strong inter-disciplinary communication skills.
The summer school is co-located with the LOFT 2018 workshop, to be held on the following week (16-18 July) at Bocconi University, Milan
Confirmed tutorial speakers ===========================
Logic ~~~~~
Sophie Pinchinat (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Rennes 1)
Uncertainty ~~~~~~~~~~~
Sujoy Mukerji (School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary London)
Games ~~~~~
Burkhard C. Schipper (Department of Economics, University of California, Davis)
Closing lecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Joe Halpern (Computer Science Department, Cornell University)
How to apply ============
We invite applications from up to 35 advanced postgraduate students and early career researchers from Economics, Computer Science, Philosophy, and related disciplines to participate. The application process will be competitive and participants will be selected according to research interests and, whenever meaningful, publications.
To apply visit [http://lucg.lakecomoschool.org/application/]
In case you intend to give a presentation, you should add to your application:
- the title of your talk - one page abstract of your contribution
Registration fees =================
There is a registration fee of 250 euro (VAT 22% included) which covers all lectures; course material; wi-fi connections; lunches and coffee breaks; social dinner.
Limited financial support may be available for strong applicants who do not have access to funding, please see the application webpage for details.
Deadlines =========
- Application: April 10, 2018 - Notification of acceptance: May 2, 2018 - Registration (only accepted students): May 15, 2018
School Directors ================
Pierpaolo Battigalli, Università Bocconi, pierpaolo.battigalli@unibocconi.it
Hykel Hosni, Università degli studi di Milano and Università Bocconi hykel.hosni@unibocconi.it
Massimo Marinacci, Università Bocconi, massimo.marinacci@unibocconi.it