Apologies in advance for cross-posting
*** Dear Colleagues,
The University of Insubria and Bicocca are honored to host the next international academic conference in the fields of vector and set optimization, stochastic analysis, risk management, and operation research — the 6th International Conference on Set Optimization for Applications (SOfA 2024). This edition is going to take place in Stresa from June 3 to June 7, 2024.
The 6th SOfA aims to bring together experts in various fields of set and vector optimization, convex and variational analysis, stochastic analysis, multivariate dynamic programming, multi-criteria decision-making, as well as applications in economics, risk measurement, game theory, and statistics. The conference is, by tradition, very open; the scientific and local committees long to move outside the stream of set and vector optimization and bring together people with a research record in set optimization, with some maybe only remotely related to this topic. So, a very mixed and curious audience is expected.
Join us also for a scenic cruise trip on Lago Maggiore and savor the spectacle of its famous islands!
We enthusiastically invite all researchers, practitioners, and students in the field described above and related areas to submit proposals for presentations at the 6th SOfA conference. Abstract submission and conference registration are now open!
The 6th SOfA also features a couple of tutorials on dynamic programming and stochastic optimal control, and on solution concepts in set-optimization on June 3rd. For more information about the conference, please visit our conference websitehttps://sites.google.com/view/sofa2024/programme?authuser=0. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us at sofa2024.conference@gmail.commailto:sofa2024.conference@gmail.com.
**Given the high tourist demand in June, we strongly recommend booking as soon as possible. Availability is not guaranteed for last-minute bookings, and rates will increase as the conference start date approaches.**
We look forward to your active participation in making the 6th SOfA a diverse and engaging conference for knowledge exchange.
Regards, The 2024 SOfA Organizing Committees
Elisa Mastrogiacomo ----------------------------------------- Professore Ordinario di Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie DIPARTIMENTO D'ECCELLENZA 2023/2027 Università degli Studi dell'Insubria Dipartimento di Economia
Via Monte Generoso, 71 – 21100 Varese tel. +39 0332/395528
web: www.uninsubria.ithttp://www.uninsubria.it/ mail: elisa.mastrogiacomo@uninsubria.itmailto:mario.rossi@uninsubria.it
Chiaramente Insubria!
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