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Applications are invited for a tenure-track professorship, starting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year, within the Department of Mathematics at the University of Angers, France.
The Mathematics department is looking for a candidate holding a PhD in mathematics whose research work is already widely recognized. The successful candidate's research will lie within the area of branching structures in probability theory. More specifically, his or her area of research should focus on branching structures such as discrete and continuous branching processes, spatial branching processes, random graphs, graph theory in combinatorics, fragmentation and coalescence, and/or applications in biology and particle physics. The appointed candidate will join the Analysis, Statistics and Probability team at the Laboratoire Angevin de Recherche en Mathématiques (LAREMA, UMR CNRS 6093) on September 1st, 2024.
The initial three to five-year tenure-track contract offers very favorable conditions for research, with substantial support for travel, equipment and research support, as well as a competitive salary and a reduced teaching load. Courses will be taught in either French or English. In addition to teaching and research, the appointed candidate is expected to actively contribute to the scientific activities of the department, supervise (post)doctoral students, and raise external funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), the ERC, or similar funding bodies. After the tenure-track period, this position is expected to lead to a permanent professorship corresponding to a "Professeur des Universités" position in the French Higher Education framework.
Closing date for applications: 4pm (Paris) on April 30th, 2024. Applications should be submitted online via the link (if this is your first visit to the website, please create an account by clicking on the link within the "Information" box just above the Login/Password fields).
The link contains a detailed description of the position and a list of documents required to complete the application. For more details, feel free to contact the head of the search committee, Kilian Raschel, at