Apologize for cross-posting
Dear colleagues,
Journal of Energy Markets will publish a special issue, associated to the workshop Energy Finance Italia 4 held in Milano in February 2019. However, this call is not limited to conference participants, but also extends to other researchers working on this topic.
Topics of particular interest may include, but are not limited to:
- integration of electricity markets, - market power and market strategies, - electricity market modeling and simulation, - impact of new technologies, - cross-border issues, - CO2 emissions trading, - green certificate markets, - risk management, - futures, forwards and derivatives, - price and volatility dynamics, - risk premia.
Therefore, we hope that you will consider this issue as an interesting and useful forum for publishing your latest research work in the field.
Your submission should be made by e-mail to one of the guest editors
- Carlo Lucheroni carlo.lucheroni@unicam.it - Tiziano Vargiolu vargiolu@math.unipd.it
The deadline for the submission of the full paper is December 31, 2019.
We would be glad to receive your paper submission to the Journal of Energy Markets' special issue.
With kind regards,
Carlo Lucheroni and Tiziano Vargiolu
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiziano Vargiolu Dipartimento di Matematica Phone: +39 049 8271383 Universita' di Padova Fax: +39 049 8271428 Via Trieste, 63 E-mail: vargiolu@math.unipd.it I-35121 Padova (Italy) WWW: http://www.math.unipd.it/~vargiolu --------------------------------------------------------------------------