Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention to the German-Japanese Fall School „Time Series, Random Fields and beyond“ which will take place at Ulm University, September 23 - 27, 2024. It is organized jointly by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Tokyo), University of Tokyo, Tohoku University (Sendai) and Ulm University. It targets graduate and PhD students as well as PostDocs who would like to learn more about the state-of-the-art in random processes in space and time as well as related topics. The focus of the school includes the geometry of random fields and their excursions, multivariate extreme value theory, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, hyperuniformity in random geometric systems as well as spectral methods for space-time series.
The following international experts will give lectures in their fields:
1. Hermine Bierme (University of Tours, France) 2. Zakhar Kabluchko (University of Münster, Germany) 3. Kengo Katamani (Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan) 4. Michael Klatt (German Aerospace Center, Ulm, Germany) 5. Yasumasa Matsuda (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan) 6. Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University, Ithaca, USA)
Best regards,
Satoshi Kuriki, Alexander Lindner, Yasumasa Matsuda, Teppei Ogihara, Evgeny Spodarev, Robert Stelzer