---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 13:12:43 +0000 From: ALESSANDRO SAPIO alessandro.sapio@uniparthenope.it
Dear All,
we are glad to announce the 7th edition of Energy Finance Italia. The workshop will be organised by the Department of Business and Economics (DiSAE) and by the Department of Business and Quantitative Studies (DiSAQ), Parthenope University of Naples, and will take place on February 10-11, 2022.
The workshop welcomes applications of econometrics, forecasting, risk management, portfolio optimisation, and big data techniques to energy markets.
We aim to hold the workshop as an in-person event. A limited number of online slots will be reserved to participants who are unable to reach the conference venue due to pandemic restrictions. Any change in the workshop format will be communicated by means of our website and newsletter.
The deadline for the submission of a long abstracts (max two pages) has been extended to January 10, 2021. Please, send your abstracts to efi7@uniparthenope.it.
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2022.
Registration and payment of fees: not later than January 25, 2022.
More information on the workshop is available at:
Best regards,
Alessandro Sapio
on behalf of the Organizing Committee