Buongiorno, ricevo e con piacere inoltro.
Saluti Alessandra ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Balint Toth b4l1nt.t0th@gmail.com Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 at 15:56 Subject: Announcement of Winter School on Disordered Media - Budapest, January 20-24, 2025
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you about the following upcoming event to be held at the Rényi Institute https://renyi.hu/en?/*Erdős Center* https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/, in *Budapest*:
*Winter School on Disordered Media https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/events/school-disordered-media* January 20-24, 2025
The School will be held at the *Rényi Institute https://renyi.hu/en?*, Budapest, Hungary. It is part of the *Semester on Probability and Statistical Physics https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/articles/probability-and-statistical-physics-2025-spring-jan-june* (January-June 2025) hosted by Erdős Center. MSc students, PhD students and postdocs, young researchers are most welcome to apply. (However, participation is not restricted to this category.) The programme of the school consists of five minicourses given by distinguished researchers of the field, short presentations by participants of the school and an open problem session. [The following week a Workshop on Disordered Media https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/events/workshop-disordered-media (January 27-31, 2025) will also be held at the same venue. Information about this second event will follow soon.]
The following minicourses will be held within the program of the School:
*David Belius https://davidbelius.github.io/*: INTRODUCTION TO SPIN GLASSES, *Nathanael Berestycki https://homepage.univie.ac.at/nathanael.berestycki/*: LIOUVILLE QUANTUM GRAVITY AND ITS SPECTRAL GEOMETRY, *Marek Biskup https://www.math.ucla.edu/~biskup/*: EXTREMAL PROPERTIES OF THE RANDOM WALK LOCAL TIME, *Ron Peled http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~peledron/*: DISORDERED SPIN SYSTEMS, FIRST-PASSAGE PERCOLATION AND MINIMAL SURFACES IN RANDOM ENVIRONMENT, *Sergio Simonella https://sergiosimonella.wordpress.com/*: KINETIC LIMITS FOR THE DILUTE CLASSICAL GAS.
Detailed instructions for applications and practicalities to be found at the *web-page of the event https://erdoscenter.renyi.hu/events/school-disordered-media*. *APPLICATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31, 2024.*
WE KINDLY ASK YOU TO SPREAD THE INFORMATION AMONG MSc/PhD students, postdocs and young researchers within your range of interaction and encourage them to apply and take part.
With our best wishes, Ágnes Backhausz, Gábor Pete, Balázs Ráth and Bálint Tóth (the organisers)