Dear All,
This is a kind reminder that the deadline to submit a contribution to the second Leeds Conference on "*Stochastic Control and Games Under Ambiguity*" (8-9 April 2019) is *19 February 2019*. You can send your title and abstract by email to t.deangelis[at] (Tiziano) or j.palczewski[at] (Jan)
Further details concerning the conference can be found at
A full list of *invited speakers* is available at
*Registration: *Registration is now open and will close on 17 March 2019
*Support for PhD students:* We have some funds available to support attendance by PhD students, please enquire with the organisers (Jan and Tiziano) about this opportunity.
We hope to see many of you in Leeds. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes, Jan and Tiziano