Dear all,
We are glad to announce the 5TH SPRING COLLOQUIUM ON PROBABILITY AND FINANCE, held at the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" of the University of Padova, on APRIL 19TH, 2024.
The Colloquium will bring together researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance. The workshop will start at 10am and end at 5pm. Attendance is free but registration is required (on the conference website). Please note that, due to the small capacity of the conference room, we will be able to host only a limited number of attendees.
INVITED SPEAKERS: - Eduardo ABI JABER (École Polytechnique, FR) - Huy Ngoc CHAU (University of Manchester, UK) - Giulia DI NUNNO (University of Oslo, NR) - Roxana DUMITRESCU (King's College London, UK) - David SKOVMAND (University of Copenhagen, DK) - Luca TASCHINI (University of Edinburgh, UK)
We hope to see you in Padova! Best wishes,
Giorgia Callegaro and Claudio Fontana
Dear all,
We are glad to announce that the final program of the 5TH SPRING COLLOQUIUM ON PROBABILITY AND FINANCE is now available at the webpage The Colloquium will be hosted by the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" of the University of Padova, on APRIL 19TH, 2024.
The Colloquium will bring together researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance. Attendance is free but registration is required (on the conference website). Please note that, due to the small capacity of the conference room, only a couple of places are still available!
There is the possibility of attending the Colloquium REMOTELY VIA ZOOM. If you are interested in this possibility, please send an email to
SPEAKERS: - Eduardo ABI JABER (École Polytechnique, FR) - Huy Ngoc CHAU (University of Manchester, UK) - Giulia DI NUNNO (University of Oslo, NR) - Roxana DUMITRESCU (King's College London, UK) - Blanka HORVATH (University of Oxford, UK) - David SKOVMAND (University of Copenhagen, DK) - Luca TASCHINI (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Best wishes,
Giorgia Callegaro and Claudio Fontana
Dear all,
We are glad to announce the 6TH SPRING COLLOQUIUM ON PROBABILITY AND FINANCE, held at the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" of the University of Padova, on APRIL 11TH, 2025.
The Colloquium will bring together researchers in stochastic analysis and mathematical finance. The workshop will start at 10.30am and end at 5.30pm. Attendance is free but registration is required (on the colloquium website). Please note that, due to the small capacity of the conference room, we will be able to host only a limited number of attendees.
INVITED SPEAKERS: - Sara BIAGINI (Luiss University, IT) - Delia COCULESCU (University of Zurich, CH) - Guido GAZZANI (University of Verona, IT) - Stefano PAGLIARANI (University of Bologna, IT) - Peter TANKOV (ENSAE Paris, FR)
In addition, the program will also include a SPECIAL LECTURE BY YILING WANG (IHES, FRANCE), as part of the Colloquia Patavina seminar series.
Best wishes,
Giorgia Callegaro and Claudio Fontana