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The Mathematical Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne is inviting applications for a Professorship (W3) in Applied Mathematics/Stochastics.
The Mathematical Institute aims at enhancing its competence in the field of probability and statistics. We are looking for candidates with an excellent reputation in research and teaching in these fields and with a successful record of third-party funded projects. Applicants should have a proven record of interdisciplinary research.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching and administrative duties of the Mathematical Institute. The teaching duties in particular include courses in statistics and courses for our programs in mathematics and business mathematics.
Qualification requirements are in accord with the North Rhine-Westphalia University Law and include an excellent track record in research (e. g. habilitation or equivalent qualifications) and teaching.
The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with the German disability laws. Women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications should include a CV, a complete list of publications, a teaching and research statement, information on external funding, academic achievements and honors. Applications should be submitted via the Academic Job Portal of the University of Cologne (https://berufungen.uni-koeln.de) no later than June 19, 2016 to
Professor Dr. Ansgar Büschges Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne, Germany E-Mail mnf-berufungen@uni-koeln.de
See https://www.stellenwerk-koeln.de/uploads/tx_exinitswkjobs/W3_Professur_Math_... for a pdf-version.