Ricevo e inoltro le seguenti posizioni.
Marta Leocata
Dear Colleagues,
I would very much appreciate if you could disseminate this information among the suitable candidates:
The research unit Modeling Nature (MNat) at the University of Granada requests declarations of interest in applications for 4 post-doctoral fellowships funded by an "Excelence Unit-Qualifica" grant from the Junta de Andalucía:;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VOVCDx5SI9Zh02RgvQRWqHxF2jlwJIjJfY7PyAjn9kqt_IqIlEPIstD0ITJ8lPL9sffNU293b2coyJPvwoJX$
The MNat unit emerges to make progress and educate the next generation of scientists in challenging topics at the interfaces of biology, physics, biomedicine, engineering and mathematics. These multidisciplinary collaborations are based on the construction of mathematical models with predictive capacity to address fundamental and applied problems in the following four main areas:
I. Mathematical Foundation, Models, and Methods in Nature II. Modeling cell communication and tumor dynamics III. Modeling Bio-Nanotechnology. New materials and Bio-Engineering IV. Modeling complex and dynamic adaptive systems at multiple scales in Ecology and Evolution. Computational Biology
The specific descriptors of these areas can be seen on the MNat website (
We offer a stimulating, interdisciplinary, collaborative working environment with an open academic atmosphere.
Positions can start from March 2023 and its duration is 1 year, with the possibility of an extension for 18 additional months. Shorter duration or different starting dates might be considered. Salary is negotiable, according to experience and cv, in a salary range of 32,000 to 42,000 euros (VAT included). Successful candidates will enjoy an allowance for travel and research expenses.
Candidates should submit the following application materials CV including publications (4 pages max). Motivation letter describing your prior research experience and accomplishments and future research interests in relation to the MNat research lines (2 pages max). A minimum of two letters of recommendation or list referees to contact. to the email address before January 22nd, 2023.
An interview will be required for short-listed candidates.
Yours sincerely,
Juan Soler. PI, Research Unit MNat