Dear all,
this is to announce the following research talk by Luca Avena, to be held in Pisa.
PLACE: Aula Riunioni, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa (first floor).
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019, 2 PM
SPEAKER: Luca Avena (Univ. Leiden)
TITLE: Multiscale analysis of network data sets via random walk kernels.
ABSTRACT: I will present a random walk approach to analyse data sets that are encoded into a network structure (a weighted graph). Random walks are natural objects to explore a given network and have been used as building blocks to design different type of algorithms such as the celebrated PageRank. The core of this lecture is on three new general algorithms aiming at: 1) sampling well-distributed points in a graph, 2) coarse graining a given network at different scales, 3) processing signals on graphs through a novel wavelets transform. As I will discuss, these algorithms can be good or not depending on the specific data set problem to be analyzed. The main emphasis will be given on the underlying mathematical structures which are of fundamental interest per se within probability theory and statistical phyisics.
Partially based on joint work with Castell, Gaudilliere and Melot
Best regards,