ricevo e inoltro:
We would like to invite you to participate in the new online Joint Israeli Probability Seminar. JIPS is a new initiative joint between:
- Bar-Ilan University - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev - Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - Tel Aviv University - Weizmann Institute of Science
The purpose of the seminar is to bring together researchers from around the globe studying various aspects of probability theory.
The seminar will take place on Tuesdays and will usually consist of two talks - at 10am and 11am Israel time (9am & 10am CET). The seminar will be using the Zoom platform. Talks will be recorded and available online.
We announce the first two talks below. If you would like to get future announcements you can either follow the JIPS calendar - HERE https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=o9sgdbqi3ftt42aobpmphnjbic%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia%2FJerusalem, or join the seminar mailing group - HERE https://groups.google.com/g/joint-israeli-probability-seminar. You can find more information on the seminar website: https://sites.google.com/view/israel-prob-sem/home
We hope to virtually see you @ JIPS.
JIPS organizers: Omer Bobrowski - Technion Naomi D. Feldheim - Bar Ilan University Ohad N. Feldheim - Hebrew University of Jerusalem Gady Kozma - Weizmann Institute of Science Ron Peled - Tel Aviv University Eviatar B. Procaccia - Technion Ariel Yadin - Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The first two talks will take place on Tuesday 20/10/20.
10-11: *Clement Cosco(WIS) / Directed polymers on infinite graphs* We study the directed polymer model for general infinite graphs and random walks. We provide sufficient conditions for the existence or non-existence of phase transitions in terms of properties of the graph and of the random walk. We study in some detail (biased) random walk on various trees including the Galton-Watson trees, and provide a range of other examples that illustrate counter-examples to intuitive extensions of the simple random walk on the lattice. (Joint work with Inbar Seroussi and Ofer Zeitouni)
11-12: *Ofer Zeitouni (WIS) / Minima of random polynomials* We consider Gaussian random trigonometric polynomials and prove a limit theorem for their minimum modulus on the unit circle. I will describe the relevant background and various techniques employed in this and related problems. Somewhat surprisingly, a crucial step in the proof involves a characterization of Poisson processes due to Liggett, and its refinement due to Biskup-Louidor. (Joint work with Oren Yakir, TAU)