Cari colleghi,
vi segnalo che il Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Padova
ha bandito un posto di ricercatore di tipo B nel settore MAT/06.
Il bando è disponibile alla pagina
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 25 agosto 2016.
Marco Ferrante
Dear all,
next Thursday, May 5th, Riccardo Maffucci (EPFL) will give a seminar about
"Distribution of nodal intersections for random waves".
This work is in collaboration with Maurizia Rossi. Random waves are Gaussian Laplacian eigenfunctions on the 3D torus. We investigate the length of intersection between the zero (nodal) set, and a fixed surface. Expectation, and variance in a general scenario are prior work. In the generic setting we prove a CLT. We will discuss (smaller order) variance and (non-Gaussian) limiting distribution in the case of ’static’ surfaces (e.g. sphere). Under a certain assumption, there is asymptotic full correlation between intersection length and nodal area.
The seminar will take place in Aula De Blasi, Università Tor Vergata, at 16h00. We encourage in-person partecipation, but should you unable to come here is the link to the event on Teams:…
The seminar is part of the Excellence Project Math@TOV.
You can find a schedule with the next events at the following link: .
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the workshop
"*Interacting particle systems and applications*"
which will take place at the *University of Trento* on* September 5th to
7th, 2022*.
The workshop aims at discussing recent developments in the theory of
interacting systems, with emphasis on fostering collaborations and
discussions among junior researchers.
At the following webpage (which will be kept up-to-date)
you can find useful information on the workshop, including list of
speakers, venue and (when available) schedule and abstracts of the talks.
Participation is free but *registration is mandatory. We kindly ask you to
register no later than June 30th*. The workshop is planned as a hybrid
event (in-person and online); to register for in person participation,
click on "register" button (in the home webpage of the workshop); to
register for online participation, send an email
to ipsa[dot]maths[at]unitn[dot]it .
We are looking forward to meeting you in Trento.
All the best,
The organizing committee
Michele Coghi, Mario Maurelli, Carlo Orrieri, Giovanni Zanco
Con piacere annunciamo il
"Two-day workshop on deterministic and stochastic control"
che si terrà presso il campus Leonardo nelle giornate 6/7 settembre 2022.
Alla seguente pagina web potete trovare le informazioni che via via verranno aggiornate, oltre che il form di Registrazione (scadenza 20 agosto).
Sito web:
Un caro saluto,
Giulia Cavagnari, Fulvia Confortola, Giuseppina Guatteri ed Elsa Maria Marchini
It is our pleasure to announce the
"Two-day workshop on deterministic and stochastic control"
that will be held at campus Leonardo on 6/7 September 2022.
At the following web-page you can find all the information which will be kept updated, along with the Registration form (deadline 20 August).
Best regards,
Giulia Cavagnari, Fulvia Confortola, Giuseppina Guatteri ed Elsa Maria Marchini
Giuseppina Guatteri
Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Via Bonardi, 9
20133 Milano
tel.: +390223994556
email: giuseppina.guatteri(a)
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" A. Dumbledore
Si avvisa che
in data 07-06-2022, alle ore 15:30 precise
presso il Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula Saleri sesto piano (Edificio 14 - La Nave),
nell’ambito delle attività del MOX, si svolgerà il seguente seminario:
Stefano Castruccio, University of Notre Dame
Titolo: Physics-Informed, Data-Driven and Hybrid Approaches to Space-Time Systems
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss two different approaches to characterize space-time systems. This first one is model-driven and loosely inspired by physics, assumes that the system is locally diffusive through a stochastic partial differential equation, and can be efficiently approximated with a Gaussian Markov random field. This approximation will be used to produce a stochastic generator of simulated multi-decadal global temperature, thereby offering a fast alternative to the generation of large climate model ensembles.
The second approach is instead data-driven, and relies on (deep) neural networks in time. Instead of traditional machine learning methods aimed at inferring an extremely large parameter space, we instead rely on an alternative fast, sparse and computationally efficient echo state network dynamics on an appropriately dimensionally reduced spatial field. The additional computational time is then used to produce an ensemble and probabilistically calibrate the forecast. The approach will be used to produce air pollution forecasts from a citizen science network in San Francisco and forecasting wind energy in Saudi Arabia.
Towards the end of the presentation, I will discuss how these two broad frameworks could be used in synergy to allow for improved predictability and understanding of space-time systems whose physical understanding is currently limited and/or largely influenced by parametrizations.
Il link per seguire il seminario online sarà reso disponibile su
Link zoom:
L’evento è patrocinato da GRASPA
Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
Laura Sangalli
Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568
email: laura.sangalli(a)<>
Cari tutti,
in data odierna è stato pubblicato il Bando n. RTDA/03/2022 PROT. N.
805/2022 della
procedura selettiva, per titoli e colloquio, per il reclutamento di* n. 1
ricercatore con rapporto di lavoro a tempo determinato di tipologia “A”*, per
l’esecuzione del programma di ricerca relativo al seguente progetto:
“Teoria dei processi aleatori” - Settore concorsuale 01/A3, *Settore
scientifico-disciplinare **MAT/06*, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze
Statistiche, Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
Il bando è visionabile sul sito della trasparenza Sapienza al seguente link:
Si prega di dare la massima diffusione del presente avviso presso tutti gli
Cordiali saluti,
Alessandro De Gregorio
Dipartimento di Matematica
Mercoledì 1 giugno 2022, nella sala del consiglio del
Dipartimento di Matematica, edificio F2, livello 1, si terranno i seguenti
seminari in presenza e online (su Teams):
1) ore 15:00-15:45 - Prof. Enrico Scalas (University of Sussex, Brighton,
Limit theorems for prices of options written on semi-Markov processes
We consider plain vanilla European options written on an underlying asset
that follows a continuous time semi-Markov multiplicative process. We
derive a formula and a renewal type equation for the martingale option
price. In the case in which intertrade times follow the Mittag-Leffler
distribution, under appropriate scaling, we prove that these option prices
converge to the price of an option written on geometric Brownian motion
time-changed with the inverse stable subordinator. For geometric Brownian
motion time changed with an inverse subordinator, in the more general case
when the subordinator's Laplace exponent is a special Bernstein function,
we derive a time-fractional generalization of the equation of Black and
This is joint work with Bruno Toaldo
2) ore 16:00-16:45 - Dott. Giacomo Ascione (Scuola Superiore Meridionale,
Bulk behaviour of ground states for relativistic Schrödinger operators with
spherical potential well
In this talk, we show a probabilistic representation of the ground state of
a massive or massless Schrödinger operator with a spherical potential well.
Such a representation will lead to a two-sided approximation with different
behaviours depending on the fact that we are inside or outside the well.
Both of them rely on some functionals of the first exit time of a
subordinated Brownian motion from a suitable open set (the well or its
complement). We also develop a moving planes-type argument to prove the
radial monotonicity of the ground state, which is one of the main tools of
the two-sided bounds. This is joint work with József Lőrinczi.
Gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare,
Cordiali saluti,
Barbara Martinucci
Vi segnalo che la sede milanese dell'IMATI CNR ha organizzato un evento
online il 5 luglio in cui 12 ricercatori CNR, di diversi istituti e
diversa formazione, presenteranno loro lavori. L'iniziativa, in
collaborazione con la Societa' Italiana di Statistica e nell'ambito delle
iniziative verso il Festival della Statistica e della Demografia (Treviso,
16-18 Settembre), intende mostrare alla comunita' statistica nazionale cio'
che si fa al CNR (e non e' praticamente conosciuto da questa) e anche
favorire interazioni fra ricercatori CNR che spesso operano senza sapere
che ci sono altri colleghi che utilizzano e sviluppano metodi e modelli
Il sito web e'
E' possibile registrarsi entro il 26 giugno. Nei giorni successivi
verranno inviate ai registrati le indicazioni sulla piattaforma online
che verra' utilizzata.
Cordiali saluti
Fabrizio Ruggeri
Fabrizio Ruggeri fabrizio AT
CNR IMATI tel +39 0223699532
Via Alfonso Corti 12 fax +39 0223699538
I-20133 Milano (Italy)
We are looking for teaching assistants for various mathematical courses in
the fall semester. Some of these courses are taught in English and some in
Italian. In particular, we need TAs for a master course in Probability
(taught in English).
Marco Scarsini
Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza
Luiss University
Viale Romania 32
00197 Roma, ITALY
Dear All,
next Tuesday Nicolas Forien (Sapienza Università di Roma) will give a
seminar talk on particle systems and interacting random walks. Please find
the title and the abstract below.
Best regards,
Lorenzo Taggi
Tuesday 31st of May, 16.15, Dipartimento di Matematica Università Sapienza,
Aula Consiglio
*Title:* On the phase transition of activated random walks
*Abstract:* The Activated Random Walk model consists of particles which
perform independent random walks on a graph and fall asleep with a certain
rate. Sleeping particles stop moving and are awaken when another particle
arrives on the same site. The model on Z^d presents a phase transition:
depending on the density of particles (initially all active) and on the
sleep rate, either almost surely each particle eventually falls asleep
forever (fixating phase), or almost surely no particle falls asleep forever
(active phase). In this talk, I will present a joint work with Alexandre
Gaudillière ( showing the existence of an active
phase on Z^2: for every positive initial density of particles, for a
sufficiently low sleep rate, almost surely no particle falls asleep forever.