*1. Post-doctoral research position: *"Mathematical modeling for the study
of climate change and its impact on the financial systems". The position is
financed by the following research project: "Qnt4Green - Quantitative
Approaches for Green Bond Market: Risk Assessment, Agency Problems and
Policy Incentives (PRIN 2022)".
*Link of the call with all the details: *
*Deadline:* June 19, 2024.
*Job duration:* 12 months.
*Teaching:* none.
*Remuneration:* 25,000 Eur per year.
*2. Post-doctoral research position: *"Probabilistic models for the
energy transition". The position is financed by the following research
project: "Qnt4Green - Quantitative Approaches for Green Bond Market: Risk
Assessment, Agency Problems and Policy Incentives (PRIN 2022)".
*Link of the call with all the details: *
*Deadline:* June 24, 2024.
*Job duration:* 12 months.
*Teaching:* none.
*Remuneration:* 25,000 Eur per year.
Interested candidates can contact me or Dr. Roberto Pellungrini (
roberto.pellungrini(a)sns.it) for questions/clarifications.
Best wishes,
Ricevo e inoltro volentieri.
From: Andrea Ghiglietti <andrea.ghiglietti(a)unimib.it>
Date: Friday, 14 June 2024 at 11:52
To: Giacomo Aletti <giacomo.aletti(a)unimi.it>
Subject: Seminar Prof. William F Rosenberger @unimib
Dear all,
you are invited to participate to the following seminar on Tuesday 25th of June 2024 at 11:00 at University of Milano-Bicocca (Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi 8 - Milano - Room 2062, Building U7, 2nd floor):
Speaker: William F. Rosenberger (George Mason University)
Title: Casual Inference for Clinical Trails*: A Spellchecker’s Guide to Randomization Tests in Complex Settings
Sir Austin Bradford Hill, the developer of the first randomized clinical trial, was a proponent of simplicity in statistical analysis, and strongly emphasized careful study design as the critical component of all medical studies. While he didn’t mention randomization tests in his 1937 book, I believe he would have liked their simplicity and interpretability. Any inference procedure which assumes random sampling from a population ignores Fisherian principles regarding the analysis of designed experiments. And clinical trials are the quintessential designed experiment. While we hear quite often about preservation of type I error rates and, more recently, about causal inference, these are natural elements of a randomization test. We discuss these issues and demonstrate that randomization tests can be used for more complex settings, such as multiple (>2) treatment comparisons, analyses with missing outcome data, and subgroup analyses. It is interesting to note that the only cohort of statisticians NOT excited about randomization tests in this age of causal inference are the designers and conductors of randomized clinical trials! I will conclude with a few historical notes about Fisher and de Finetti*.
*The two most often misspelled words during my term as Biometrics co-editor.
WebEx Link: https://unimib.webex.com/unimib/j.php?MTID=m055f520c4202f12aee18484284e1d49b
Best wishes,
Andrea Ghiglietti
La Statale per il futuro
Salute, transizione digitale, sostenibilità
Il tuo 5xmille<https://www.unimi.it/it/ateneo/sostenere-la-statale/cinque-mille> ai nuovi progetti di ricerca dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.
Codice fiscale 80012650158
Con richiesta di massima diffusione,
Vi segnalo che è stato pubblicato un bando di selezione per il
conferimento di una borsa di ricerca per lo svolgimento di attività
presso CNR-IMATI sede Genova. Le attività avranno come obiettivo
l'integrazione di dati eterogenei, modellazione e visualizzazione 3D per
il monitoraggio ambientale e saranno svolte nell'ambito del progetto
La borsa può essere conferita a giovani laureati (max 35 anni) che
abbiano conseguito la laurea specialistica/magistrale in Informatica
(LM-18), Matematica (LM-40), Fisica (LM-17), Ingegneria Informatica
(LM-32) o equipollenti.
Scadenza bando: 26 giugno 2024.
Rimango a disposizione per chiarimenti, ove necessario.
Selezioni online Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Borse di Ricerca -
Selezioni online Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR www.cnr.it
_facebook <https://www.facebook.com/CNRsocialFB>__twitter
*Daniela Cabiddu*
Tel. 010-6475696
Via de Marini, 6, 16149 – Genova
www.cnr.it <http://www.cnr.it/>
Dear colleagues,
apologize for cross-postings, I receive and forward your information.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Angelina Roche <roche(a)ceremade.dauphine.fr>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 11:32
Subject: First sessions of the FDA&A (Functional Data Analysis &
Applications) online seminar
To: Angelina Roche <roche(a)ceremade.dauphine.fr>
Dear all,
Valentin Patilea (ENSAI, Rennes) and I are launching an online seminar
dedicated to Functional Data Analysis and its applications.
The first two sessions will take place at ENSAI (Rennes) and will be
broadcast via Zoom :
Friday June 14, 11:00 (Paris time, UTC+2)
Alberto Suarez : Machine learning with functional data: near-perfect
Zoom link
Secret code 445024
Friday June 21, 14:00 (Paris time, UTC+2)
Tailen Hsing : A functional-data perspective in spatial data analysis
Secret code 467679
Abstracts are available on the fo
<https://ensai.fr/en/equipe/valentin-patilea/>llowing page (tab FunStatMath
<https://ensai.fr/en/equipe/valentin-patilea/>) and a dedicated webpage
will be launched soon.
We have also set up a mailing list to disseminate information about the
seminar. Please let us know if you're interested in receiving information
about future sessions, and we'll add your email to the list. Please also
feel free to forward this message to anyone else who might be interested!
Kind regards,
Angelina Roche (https://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/~roche/) and Valentin
Enea G. Bongiorno,
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale - Amedeo Avogadro
Via Perrone 18, 28100, Novara, Italia
Phone: +390321375317
IWFOS 2025
6th International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics
iwfos2025.uniupo.it <https://iwfos2025.uniupo.it/home>
Math-Stat Seminars at UPO
Cari colleghi,
Ho il piacere di segnalare il seguente seminario organizzato dal
Dipartimento MEMOTEF, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza.
*Data:* Venerdì 14 Giugno, ore 16.00-17.00
*Relatore: *Prof. William Fisher Rosenberger, Distinguished Professor in
Mathematical Statistics @ George Mason University, USA
*Titolo:* *Casual** Inference for Clinical *Trails**: A Spellchecker’s
Guide to Randomization Tests in Complex Settings
*Abstract:* Sir Austin Bradford Hill, the developer of the first randomized
clinical trial, was a proponent of simplicity in statistical analysis, and
strongly emphasized careful study design as the critical component of all
medical studies. While he didn’t mention randomization tests in his 1937
book, I believe he would have liked their simplicity and interpretability.
Any inference procedure which assumes random sampling from a population
ignores Fisherian principles regarding the analysis of designed
experiments. And clinical trials are the quintessential designed
experiment. While we hear quite often about preservation of type I error
rates and, more recently, about causal inference, these are natural
elements of a randomization test. We discuss these issues and demonstrate
that randomization tests can be used for more complex settings, such as
multiple (>2) treatment comparisons, analyses with missing outcome data,
and subgroup analyses. It is interesting to note that the only cohort of
statisticians NOT excited about randomization tests in this age of causal
inference are the designers and conductors of randomized clinical trials! I
will conclude with a few historical notes about Fisher and de Finetti.
*The two most often misspelled words during speaker's term as Biometrics
Il seminario si terrà in *Aula 1 - GINI, Edificio di Scienze Statistiche*,
piano terra, CU002, Città Universitaria, e potrà essere altresì seguito
online via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 820 8946 5970 -- Passcode: 140624Bill
*Nina Deliu*
Assistant Professor (RTDA) in Statistics – *MEMOTEF, Sapienza Università di
Research Visitor* – Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge*
Personal website: *https://nina-dl.github.io/ <https://nina-dl.github.io/>*
X (Twitter): @DeliuNina
*Although my work pattern means that I will occasionally send emails
outside normal working hours, you should not feel any pressure to respond
outside of your own working pattern.*
*Fai crescere le giovani ricercatrici e i giovani ricercatori***
*con il
5 per mille alla Sapienza*
Scrivi il codice fiscale dell'Università
**Cinque per mille <https://www.uniroma1.it/it/node/23149>*
Dear colleagues,
We would be grateful if you could advertise to the junior members of your groups the
Summer School on Particle Systems in Random Environments, which will take place at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt from August 26 to 30, 2024.
The school will focus on widely popular models, such as random walks, the contact process, the voter model and branching random walks in random (dynamical) environments and/or graphs, and will feature three mini courses by
• Luca Avena (University of Florence)
• Nina Gantert (TU Munich)
• Daniel Valesin (University of Warwick),
which will be complemented by a number of talks related to the main topics given by young researchers.
Registration is free but mandatory, and funding is available for the accommodation of young participants. The deadline is June 20, 2024.
For further information and the registration procedure please visit the school website https://www.math.cit.tum.de/math/personen/professuren/gantert/summer-school…
Best regards,
The organisers
Alice Callegaro (TU Munich), Felix Hermann (GU Frankfurt), Marco Seiler (FIAS)
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this mail.
Conference announcement + key dates
The 16th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2024) will be held in Palermo, Italy from November 27-29, 2024.
See: https://sum2024.unipa.it/
Key dates (CET 23:59):
Abstract Submission (optional but useful to organizers): June 17, 2024
Paper Submission: June 24, 2024
Notification: August 31, 2024
Camera-ready copies: September 15, 2024
Conference: Nov. 27-29, 2024
Established in 2007, the SUM conferences are currently bi-annual events which aim to gather researchers with a common interest in managing and analyzing imperfect information from a wide range of fields, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Databases, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, the Semantic Web and Risk Analysis, and with the aim of fostering collaboration and cross-fertilization of ideas from the different communities. An originality of the SUM conferences is their care for dedicating a large space of their program to tutorials covering a wide range of topics related to uncertainty management. Each tutorial provides a survey of one of the research areas in the scope of the conference.
Topics of Interest
We solicit papers on the management of large amounts of complex kinds of uncertain, incomplete, or inconsistent information. We are particularly interested in papers that focus on bridging gaps, for instance between different communities, between numerical and symbolic approaches, or between theory and practice. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Imperfect information in databases
- Methods for modeling, indexing, and querying uncertain databases
- Top-k queries, skyline query processing, and ranking
- Approximate, fuzzy query processing
- Uncertainty in data integration and exchange
- Uncertainty and imprecision in geographic information systems
- Probabilistic databases and possibilistic databases?
- Data provenance and trust
- Data summarization
- Very large datasets
Imperfect information in information retrieval and semantic web applications
- Approximate schema and ontology matching
- Uncertainty in description logics and logic programming
- Learning to rank, personalization, and user preferences
- Probabilistic language models
- Combining vector-space models with symbolic representations
- Inductive reasoning for the semantic web
Imperfect information in artificial intelligence
- Statistical relational learning, graphical models, probabilistic inference
Argumentation, defeasible reasoning, belief revision
- Weighted logics for managing uncertainty
- Reasoning with imprecise probability, Dempster-Shafer theory, possibility theory
- Approximate reasoning, similarity-based reasoning, analogical reasoning
- Planning under uncertainty, reasoning about actions, spatial and temporal reasoning
- Incomplete preference specifications
- Learning from data
Risk analysis
- Aleatory vs. epistemic uncertainty
- Uncertainty elicitation methods
- Uncertainty propagation methods
- Decision analysis methods
- Tools for synthesizing results
Submission Guidelines
SUM 2024 solicits original papers in the following three categories:
- Long papers (at most 14 pages, references excluded): technical papers reporting original research or survey papers
- Short papers (between 4 and 7 pages, references excluded): papers reporting promising work-in-progress, system descriptions, position papers on controversial issues, or survey papers providing a synthesis of some current research trends
- Extended abstracts (2 pages) of recently published work in a relevant journal or top-tier conference
All SUM submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS/LNAI guidelines:https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-pro…
Papers should be submitted via EasyChair:
Accepted long (at most 14 pages) and short papers (2-7 pages) will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Authors of an accepted long or short paper will be expected to sign copyright release forms, and one author is expected to give a presentation at the conference. Authors of accepted abstracts (2 pages) will be expected to present their work during the conference, but the extended abstracts will not be published in the LNCS/LNAI proceedings (they will be made available in a separate booklet).
Sébastien Destercke (Université de technologie de Compiègne), PC Co Chair
Maria Vanina Martinez (IIIA-CSIC), PC Co Chair
Giuseppe Sanfilippo, (University of Palermo), General/Local Chair
si segnala la pubblicazione del bando di accesso alla Scuola di Dottorato
in oggetto. Un curriculum si rivolge a data science per le scienze sociali,
e credo possa essere di interesse. I candidati che volessero selezionare
quel curriculum dovrebbero selezionare il curriculum 4.
Maggiori informazioni si possono reperire qui.
Il bando si trova a
*La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata inderogabilmente
al 20 giugno 2024, ore 23:59.*
Cari saluti,
Roy Cerqueti
*Fai crescere le giovani ricercatrici e i giovani ricercatori***
*con il
5 per mille alla Sapienza*
Scrivi il codice fiscale dell'Università
**Cinque per mille <https://www.uniroma1.it/it/node/23149>*
Si avvisa che in data 13-06-2024, alle ore 11:00 precise
presso l'Area della Ricerca 1 del CNR, in sala A, il Dr. Andrea Brancaccio, CNR-IMATI, terrà un seminario dal titolo
Adaptive Assessment of Knowledge and Planning Using Knowledge Space Theory
Sunto: Adaptive individual assessment utilizes algorithms that adjust to each individual's ability based on their responses. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of the development and implementation of adaptive assessments using Knowledge Space Theory. It will also explore the theoretical foundations underlying this approach, highlighting its benefits and applications in educational and performance-based contexts. In these settings, this approach develops tools that minimize the number of questions asked while maximizing the information gathered about an individual's knowledge, competencies, abilities, and performance.
Gli interessati possono partecipare in presenza o da remoto, attraverso il link sotto riportato. Per ragioni organizzative, gli interessati a partecipare in presenza sono pregati di rispondere a questa mail indicando la loro intenzione entro la mattina stessa del seminario.
LINK: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MmVjOGI4MTUtNDdiNi00…
Antonella Bodini