A v v i s o d i S e m i n a r i o
Venerdì 30 Gennaio, ore 11am
Stanza 34
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza Università di Roma
(Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Maggiori informazioni sui seminari presso il DSS sono
consultabili a quest'indirizzo: http://goo.gl/Y6OQYm
Pierpaolo Brutti
We consider a family of statistical models with positive unknown
parameter (which includes some well-known models for censored
exponential data) and some statistical models for samples from
stationary Gaussian processes. We prove large deviation results for
posterior distributions and,in some cases, also for maximum likelihood
Please find below the announcement of the 12th edition of
the ABS (Applied Bayesian Statistics) summer school. Like in
the past two years, the 2015 school will be held in the magnificent
Villa del Grumello, in Como (Italy), on the Lake Como shore.
Guido Consonni and Fabrizio Ruggeri
ABS15 Directors
Raffaele Argiento
ABS15 Executive Director
* ABS15 *
Applied Bayesian Statistics School
June, 8 - 12, 2015 - Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy
Jeff Gill, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA
Professor of Political Science
Professor of Biostatistics
Professor of Surgery (Public Health Sciences)
The conference webpage is
>>>> www.mi.imati.cnr.it/conferences/abs15.html <<<<
Registration will start after February, 1st, 2015 and details on
programme and accommodations will be provided very soon.
The conference room allows only for a very limited number of
participants (max. 35).
Interested people are invited to contact the ABS15 Secretariat at
This course covers the theoretical and applied foundations of Bayesian
statistical analysis with an emphasis on computational tools for Bayesian
hierarchical models. We will discuss model checking, model assessment,
and model comparison. The course will cover Bayesian stochastic simulation
(Markov chain Monte Carlo) in depth with an orientation towards deriving
important properties of the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis Hastings
algorithm. Extensions and hybrids will be discussed. We will then use
Markov chain Monte Carlo tools to fit linear and nonlinear specifications
with multiple levels, longitudinal features, and non-normal distributional
assumptions. Lectures will include theoretical discussions of modeling
and estimation as well as practical guidance for fitting complex
multilevel models with R and JAGS software. Applications will be drawn
from political science,sociology, epidemiology, economic policy, and
public administration. Participants are expected to understand linear
regression in matrix algebra terminology, have some exposure to R, and
know basic statistical inference.
The school will be as usual, with lectures and practical sessions (run by a
junior researcher), participants' talks, free Wednesday afternoon, start on
Monday after lunch and ending on Friday before lunch. Accommodation is
available either at the Villa guesthouse or in downtown hotels. Como can be
easily reached by train from Milano and its airports. More details are
available on the website.
Dr Raffaele Argiento
CNR IMATI -- Milano
Tel. +39 02 23699.529
Web www.mi.imati.cnr.it/raffaele
Gentili Colleghi,
con grande piacere vi segnalo il seguente convegno organizzato in
onore della Prof. Patrizia Berti:
Alcuni argomenti di Probabilita', Statistica e Teoria della Misura
Modena, 8-9 giugno 2015
I seguenti speakers hanno già confermato la loro presenza:
Eugenio Regazzini
Giorgio Letta
Romano Scozzafava
Fabio Spizzichino
Giulianella Coletti
Domenico Candeloro
Barbara Vantaggi
Irene Crimaldi
Luca Pratelli
Emanuele Dolera
Sonia Petrone
Fabrizio Leisen
Pietro Rigo
Nelle prossime settimane verrá inviato un programma più dettagliato su
questa lista.
Anche se la partecipazione al convegno é gratuita, vi chiediamo
gentilmente di inviare una mail per confermare la vostra presenza.
Indirizzi email: pietro.rigo(a)unipv.it o fl79(a)kent.ac.uk
Un cordiale saluto,
Fabrizio Leisen e Pietro Rigo
Fabrizio Leisen
Senior Lecturer in Statistics
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences
Cornwallis Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF
Last announcement for the Bicocca Winter School:
University of Milano-Bicocca (2-6 February 2015)
People willing to take part in the school are requested to register no later than Thursday 29 January 2015.
For updated information, we refer to the website:
The Organizing Committee
Francesco Caravenna, Federica Masiero, Gianmario Tessitore
Dear all,
University Ca' Foscari of Venice
invites you to the seminar:
Filtering hidden Markov measures
(joint with Papaspiliopoulos, O. and Spanò, D.)
Matteo Ruggiero
University of Torino and
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Januray 25/2015, 2.00pm
Room 10C,
Department of Economics
San Giobe 873/b, Venice
Apologies for cross posting
Kind regards
Roberto Casarin
Roberto Casarin
University Ca' Foscari, Venice
Address: San Giobbe 873/b
30121 Venezia, Italy
Phone: +39
Fax: +39
Web: http://venus.unive.it/r.casarin/
Dear Colleague,
a PhD position for UK/EU students at Leeds University is available within the framework "Leeds York NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)".
Title: An Abstract Model for Surface Water Flow; Stochastic Differential Equations on Graphs and related Fractal Limits
Deadline: February 2nd 2015.
Supervisor: Elena Issoglio, e.issoglio @ leeds.ac.uk
How to apply: http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/how-to-apply/
More info at http://www.nercdtp.leeds.ac.uk/projects/index.php?id=151
Please forward to any potential candidate.
For any question regarding the application procedure please email
3 Post Doctoral Positions in Mathematics @GSSI - Deadline February 2, 2015
Second Announcement
The International Doctoral School Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
L'Aquila Italy, offers 3 postdoctoral research positions.
The annual gross salary is EURO 40K, positions are for two years.
Candidates must have earned their doctoral degree not earlier than
January 1, 2011. Selected candidates are expected to start their
appointments not later than September 1st, 2015.
Research Topics:
Stochastic particles systems and macroscopic limits.
Euler and Navier -Stokes equations, Nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs,
Mathematical models of collective dynamics, self-organizing complex
systems arising from biology and social sciences.
Variational methods in continuum mechanics of solids, fluids and
biological matter.
Numerical methods for nonlinear PDEs.
* Pierangelo Marcati *
Mathematics & Computer Science Division, Chair
GranSasso Science Institute,
INFN - L'Aquila - Italy
Professor at Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science
and Mathematics
University of L'Aquila - Italy
Skype name: p.marcati
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Con preghiera di diffusione tra tutti i possibili interessati,
scusandomi per invii multipli.
A v v i s o d i S e m i n a r i o
*Lunedi' 26 Gennaio*,*ore 16:00*
Aula Dottorato, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' degli Studi di Milano
via C. Saldini 50, Milano
(Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, UMR-LGMPA, Thiverval-Grignon)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
*Image analysis developements for plant tissues microstructure quantification*
In a context of valorisation of plant products, such as food processing or biorefinery, it is often required to better understand the relationships between experimental condition and end-usage properties: mechanical properties, sensory texture, degradability... In order to know how the cellular structure or the tissue organisation impacts the final properties, adequate quantitative methods are required.
We will present several methodological developments in the quantification of the microstructure of plant products from digital images acquired at different scales.
For quantifying the 3D cellular structure of cells observed at microscopic scales, a stereological approach was developed, involving local discretization of geometric features from 3D binary images using Minkowski functionals formalism, and an estimation at the scale of the organ based on the Horvitz-Thomspon principle. Image texture analysis from mathematical morphology can be used to quantify cellular structure from grey-level macroscopy images. At a larger scale, the spatial organisation of tissues within the organ was described based on tools from spatial statistics. At each quantification scale, the question of the integration of image collection is adressed through the computation of statistical cartographies of the cellular morphology.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Elena Villa
Elena Villa
Dipartimento di Matematica,
Universita' degli Studi di Milano
via C.Saldini 50, 20133 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39 0250316132 - Fax: +39 0250316090
Web-page: http://users.mat.unimi.it/~villa
A v v i s o d i M i n i - C o r s o
Lunedì, 9 Febbraio, ore 10:30-12:30 e 14:00-16:00
Martedì, 10 Febbraio, ore 10:30-12:30 e 14:00-16:00
Aula VI (quarto piano)
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza Università di Roma
(University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Management)
terrà un mini-corso rivolto principalmente (ma non solo) agli studenti
di dottorato dal titolo
Il corso è gratuito ma, dato il numero limitato di posti disponibili
in aula, tutti gli interessati
sono invitati a **prenotarsi** compilando il seguente form on line:
url: http://goo.gl/ASdZE3
Entro Martedì 3/2 verrà inviata conferma dell'effettiva disponibilità
del posto richiesto all’indirizzo email fornito.
Ovviamente “first come, first served”, con possibile piccolo bias in
favore di studenti di dottorato.
Maggiori informazioni sui seminari e mini-corsi presso il DSS sono
consultabili a quest'indirizzo: http://goo.gl/Y6OQYm
Pierpaolo Brutti
Syllabus del corso
- Exchangeable sequences and prediction. Species sampling problems
- The Dirichlet process: definition and main properties
- Beyond the Dirichlet process: priors based on completely random measures
- Stick-breaking priors
- Density estimation: mixtures of the Dirichlet process and of more
general discrete random probability measures
- Beyond exchangeability: an overview of recent advances in the literature
Dear colleagues,
you may be interested in the conference: Limit Theorems in Probability,
at Imperial College from Monday 23 March to Thursday 26 March. It will
celebrate the 70th birthday of N.H. Bingham (Nick Bingham).
Best regards,
Enrico Scalas