Dear Colleagues,
The International Graduate Course in Quantitative Finance (QF) of the University of Bologna announces the QF HALLOWEEN CONFERENCE, which is going to be held on 26th, 27th and 28th October 2021 (face-to-face and online via Microsoft Teams). Partecipation is free, but registration is required as from the directions below. As in the traditional structure, the QF Halloween Conference will consist of a two-day tutorial and a Conference. The Conference will be held in hybrid form (presence and on-line, on the Teams platform).
The subject addressed this year is: “Unstructured Data Analysis in Banking and Finance”
Aim: tutorial on the main technical tools for AI applications of unstructured data analysis in commercial banking and open banking applications; discussion the main issues of application to the banking industry. A summary program of the conference and a detailed program of the tutorial is enclosed.
How to register/participate: Send email to course tutor Dr Sara Ferigo at before 25th October at 1 pm. Please also specify whether you intend to attend the tutorial in person or online!
Requirements for participation: Knowledge of Python programming principles.
You can find the programme and more detailed information attached.
“Unstructured Data Analysis in Banking and Finance”
October 26: Tutorial I – Prof. Giovanni Della Lunga
h.10 - 13 Room 21 (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
- Introduction to Unstructured Data Analysis
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Models
h.14 – 17 Room 21 (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Basic Text Analysis
October 27: Tutorial II – Prof. Giovanni Della Lunga
h.10 – 13 Aula Magna (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
- Natural Language Processing: Tools And Ideas
- Text Vectorization
h.14 - 17 Room 12 (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
- Classification for Text Analysis
- Clustering for Text Similarity
- Information Extraction
October 28: Conference
h.10 – 12 - Room 21 (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
Presentations by
Chairman: Giovanni Pepe, KPMG
Partecipants: Dott. Alessio Balduini, Dott. Emanuele Giovannini, Dott. Richard Loeser, Dott. Giangiacomo Sanna
h.12 – 13 - Room 21 (Piazza Scaravilli,2)
Panel Discussion
Chairman: Giovanni Pepe, KPMG
Partecipants: Dott. Alessio Balduini, Dott. Emanuele Giovannini, Dott. Richard Loeser, Dott. Giovanni Pepe, Dott. Giangiacomo Sanna
Kind Regards Sabrina Mulinacci