We are pleased to inform you about the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca's call for applications for PhD positions in the following specialized curricula
- Economics - Management Science - Complex Networks - Computational Mechanics - Control Systems - Computer Science - Image Analysis - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage
- No tuition fees (regional tax excluded), free room and access to IMT Canteen
- A grant of €13,600 gross/year
Candidates can apply if they obtain their (minimum) 4-year undergraduate degree NO LATER than October 31, 2014
*DEADLINE: July 14th, 2014*
*MORE INFORMATIONS*: http://phd.imtlucca.it
Learn more about the PhD program by participating in our interactive webinar. Go to http://brightrecruits.com/webinars to sign up.
IMT Lucca (www.imtlucca.it) is a research university within the Italian public higher education system. IMT's research mission is characterized by the analysis and management of a plurality of economic, social, technological and cultural systems. Faculty carry out cutting edge methodological research to *generate* knowledge, to design projects to *apply* knowledge to resolve economic, industrial, social and cultural problems, and to *transmit* knowledge through highly-specialized graduate courses and seminars.
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/IMT-Institute-for-Advanced-Studies-Lucca/187139651342738, Twitter https://twitter.com/IMTLucca, YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/IMTAltiStudiLucca, LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/imt-lucca-institute-for-advanced-studies?trk=hb_tab_compy_id_92013.
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*Research, Planning and Organization Office* IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca Piazza San Francesco, 19 55100 Lucca - Italy Tel: +39 0583 4326 745 Fax: +39 0583 4326 565 www.imtlucca.it -------------------------------------- The content of this message and of its attachments is under exclusive responsibility of the account owner and doesn't bind IMT anyhow with respect to the recipient or third parties.