Ricevo e inoltro con piacere.
From Monday October, 16th (morning) to Friday, October 20th (noon) a conference in the broad scope of discrete probability will take place at CRM Barcelona (for a preliminary, not yet final list of speakers see https://www.crm.cat/discrete-probability-days/). Participation is free (ignore the payment information on the website), but space is limited, so registration is obligatory. There is a very limited space for contributed talks and very limited funding for master students/PhD students/postdocs for accommodation on campus in double rooms from Sunday, October 15th to Friday, October 20th (see https://vilauniversitaria.uab.cat/en/get-to-know-the-vila/virtual-tour/). Related to the workshop, on October 10th and 11th, there will be a mini-course on different models for random geometric graphs on CRM (participation at the course is free, but there is no funding for the time of the course) .
In case you are interested in participation, send your CV, a short motivation letter (from a scientific point of view and also explaining why you need funding if you apply for this) together with two names for references (no need for reference letters), and state clearly whether you want to participate at the mini-course, and/or you want to give a talk and/or you apply for funding for accommodation on campus, to dmitsche@ gmail.com. Deadline for applying: September 4, 2023. Priority for funding for accommodation during the conference will be given to participants at the mini-course (and depending on the CV).