Si informa che la lezione del Prof. C. Bardos del 20/10/2004 non si
terrà più in Aula Fermi ma nell'Aula Dini Palazzo del Castelletto, via
del Castelletto 11 Pisa.
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi
Avviso di ciclo di lezioni del Prof. C. Bardos
TITOLO: "Beliefs and Theorems for Fluid Mechanics"
To try to reach a convenient overview of the state of the art I intend
in these three lectures to produce a mixture of both very formal
constructions and rigourous theorems. Therefore I will follow the
following schedule.
Tuesday, October 19, 16h30-18h30: Aula Bianchi This lecture is devoted
to the theorems concerning the incompressible Euler Equation. Local
existence with smooth initial data in 3d,
Global existence and uniqueness in 2d with initial bounded vorticity,
Propagation of regularity in 2d with the pair dispersion formula and in
3d with the Beale Kato Majda Kozono criteria and the Constantin
Fefferman criteria.
Arnold stability criteria for stationary solutions.
Open problems in particular weak limit of 2d solutions either with
oscillating initial data or with vanishing viscosity and no slip
boundary condition ( Kato criteria and Grenier instability.)
Wednesday October 20, 18h30-19h30: Aula Dini Palazzo del Castelletto,
via del Castelletto 11 Pisa I describe tools used for the macroscopic
limit of the Kinetic equations with the hope that they may be used also
for other purpose. The averaging lemma of Golse Lions Perthame and
Sentis and its L1 extension. The notion of dissipative solution for the
incompressible Euler equation application to the incompressible limit of
the Boltzmann equation.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
Settimanale mailing list
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Antonella" <a.gregorace(a)>
To: "Giulia Curciarello" <curciare(a)>
Cc: "Ilaria GABBANI" <i.gabbani(a)>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:09 PM
Subject: errata corrige date del ciclo di lezioni Prof. Bardos
> Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi
> Avviso di ciclo di lezioni del Prof. C. Bardos
> TITOLO: "Beliefs and Theorems for Fluid Mechanics"
> To try to reach a convenient overview of the state of the art I intend
> in these three lectures to produce a mixture of both very formal
> constructions and rigourous theorems. Therefore I will follow the
> following schedule.
> Monday, October 18, 16h30-18h30: Aula Fermi Description of the
> hierarchy of equations from the Hamiltonian systems of Newton Mechanic
> to models of turbulence, with in between the Boltzmann and Navier Stokes
> equations. No proof of convergence is given but the classical
> parameters of fluid mechanic are introduced and the role of entropy is
> emphasised.
> Tuesday, October 19, 16h30-18h30: Aula Bianchi This lecture is devoted
> to the theorems concerning the incompressible Euler Equation. Local
> existence with smooth initial data in 3d,
> Global existence and uniqueness in 2d with initial bounded vorticity,
> Propagation of regularity in 2d with the pair dispersion formula and
> in 3d with the Beale Kato Majda Kozono criteria and the Constantin
> Fefferman criteria.
> Arnold stability criteria for stationary solutions.
> Open problems in particular weak limit of 2d solutions either with
> oscillating initial data or with vanishing viscosity and no slip
> boundary condition ( Kato criteria and Grenier instability.)
> Wednesday October 20, 18h30-19h30: Aula Fermi I describe tools used
> for the macroscopic limit of the Kinetic equations with the hope that
> they may be used also for other purpose. The averaging lemma of Golse
> Lions Perthame and Sentis and its L1 extension. The notion of
> dissipative solution for the incompressible Euler equation application
> to the incompressible limit of the Boltzmann equation.
Settimanale mailing list
e' disponibile il calendario delle lezioni della prossima settimana del
periodo di ricerca su 'Geometria differenziale e Topologia'.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
Settimanale mailing list
Avviso di ciclo di lezioni del Prof. C. Bardos
TITOLO: "Beliefs and Theorems for Fluid Mechanics"
To try to reach a convenient overview of the state of the art I intend
in these three lectures to produce a mixture of both very formal
constructions and rigourous theorems. Therefore I will follow the
following schedule.
Monday, November 18, 16h30-18h30: Aula Fermi Description of the
hierarchy of equations from the Hamiltonian systems of Newton Mechanic
to models of turbulence, with in between the Boltzmann and Navier Stokes
equations. No proof of convergence is given but the classical
parameters of fluid mechanic are introduced and the role of entropy is
Tuesday, November 19, 16h30-18h30: Aula Bianchi This lecture is
devoted to the theorems concerning the incompressible Euler Equation.
Local existence with smooth initial data in 3d,
Global existence and uniqueness in 2d with initial bounded vorticity,
Propagation of regularity in 2d with the pair dispersion formula and
in 3d with the Beale Kato Majda Kozono criteria and the Constantin
Fefferman criteria.
Arnold stability criteria for stationary solutions.
Open problems in particular weak limit of 2d solutions either with
oscillating initial data or with vanishing viscosity and no slip
boundary condition ( Kato criteria and Grenier instability.)
Wednesday 20, 18h30-19h30: Aula Fermi I describe tools used for the
macroscopic limit of the Kinetic equations with the hope that they may
be used also for other purpose. The averaging lemma of Golse Lions
Perthame and Sentis and its L1 extension. The notion of dissipative
solution for the incompressible Euler equation application to the
incompressible limit of the Boltzmann equation.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
Settimanale mailing list
martedi' 19-10-2004 (15:00) - Sala Seminari
David Martinez (Pisa) :
Morse functions for projective CR manifolds.
Seminario di Topologia
martedi' 19-10-2004 (14:30) - Sala Seminari -Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
S. Galatolo (Universita' di Pisa) :
Quantitative recurrence, complexity and local dimension.
XI Incontro Nazionale
sulle Equazioni Iperboliche
October 20-22, 2004 (09:00) Aula Magna Dip. di Matematica
Convegno IPERPISA 2004 :
The Workshop is mainly meant for those Italian
researchers working on PDE's of Hyperbolic type.
It gathers mathematicians coming from the domains of
Analysis, Mathematical Physics and Numerical Analysis.
martedi' 26-10-2004 (15:00) - Sala Seminari
Gerard Besson (Grenoble) :
A simple proof of Mostow rigidity theorem (in rank one).
Argomento: Geometria
mercoledi' 27-10-2004 (15:30) - Sala Seminari
Gerard Besson (Grenoble) :
Hyperbolic geometry, amalgamated products and critical exponents.
Argomento: Geometria
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
Settimanale mailing list
Mercoledì 13 Ottobre nell'ambito del ciclo su "Matematica, Cultura e
Società", il Prof. MARCO FORTI (Università di Pisa) terrà una lezione
dal titolo:
"Principi di Leibniz ed estensioni di Hausdorff"
La lezione avrà inizio alle ore 18.30 e si terrà presso l'Aula 'Ulisse
Dini' del Palazzo Castelletto, Via del Castelletto 11.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Calendario dei prossimi incontri:
Mercoledì 3 Novembre
Angelo GUERRAGGIO (Università dell'Insubria e Università Bocconi)
La matematica italiana durante il fascismo
Mercoledì 24 Novembre
Massimo MUGNAI (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa) Paradossi
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)
Settimanale mailing list