Dal 12 Gennaio al 4 Marzo 2005 il Prof. Albert Fathi (École Normale
Supérieure de Lyon) sara' ospite del Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio
De Giorgi e terra' un corso su:
"Weak KAM Theory and viscosity solutions"
Le lezioni si terranno, a partire dal 12 Gennaio, ogni mercoledi' e
venerdi' nella Sala Conferenze del Collegio Puteano, dalle 15 alle 17.
Per ulteriori informazioni potete contattare il Prof. Stefano Marmi.
Inoltre, all'indirizzo http://www.crm.sns.it/fathi.html, che verra'
costantemente aggiornato, potrete trovare anche le dispense del corso.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
SEMINAR on PDE,venerdi 17 Dicembre 2004 16:00; sala Seminari
Hideo Kubo
(Universita' di Osaka , Giappone)
Title: Blowup of solutions to a system of wave equations
with critical nonlinearity.
Abstract: We consider a system of wave equations
with unequal propagation speeds in two and three
space dimensions. We underline that behavior of
solutions in 2-D case is differenent from 3-D case,
if we treat the critical nonlinearity. Such a phenomina
comes from the fact that sharp Huygens' principle
holds in 3-D but does not in 2-D.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
lunedi' 13-12-2004 (15:00) - Aula Fermi S.N.S.
Nicola Arcozzi :
Misure di Carleson e successioni interpolanti
lunedi' 13-12-2004 (15:00) - aula P del Polo Fibonacci
Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) :
Legge dei Grandi Numeri e Convergenza Completa
The concept of complete convergence was introduced by Hsu and Robbins
(1947) as follows. A sequence of random variables $\{U_n, n \geq 1\}$ is
said to converge completely to a constant $C$ if $\sum^\infty_{n=1}
P\{|U_n - C | > \epsilon\} < \infty$ for all $\epsilon > 0$. In view
of the Borel-Cantelli lemma, this implies that $U_n \rightarrow C$
almost surely. Hsu and Robbins proved that the sequence of arithmetic
means of independent and identically distributed random variables
converges completely to the expected value if the variance of the
summands is
finite. We extend and generalize some recent results on complete
convergence for arrays of rowwise independent real and Banach space valued
random variables.
In the main result, no assumptions are made concerning the existence of
expected values or absolute moments of the random variables and no
assumptions are made concerning the geometry of the underlying Banach
space. Some well-known results from the literature are obtained easily as
corollaries. The corresponding convergence rates are also established.
martedi' 14-12-2004 (15:00) - Sala Seminari
Akira Ushijima (Warwick) :
Generic fundamental polyhedra for Kleinian groups
Argomento: Geometria
mercoledi' 15-12-2004 (16:00) - Aula Magna
Boris Dubrovin (SISSA (Trieste)) :
Colloquium Dipartimento di Matematica: Frobenius manifolds and Hamiltonian
perturbations of hyperbolic PDEs
Argomento: Generic
giovedi' 16-12-2004 (17:00) - Sala Riunioni
Matyas Karadi :
The Wess-Zumino-Witten model on Random Regge surfaces
Argomento: Geometria
After introducing the notion of random Regge triangulations and the
Wess-Zumino-Witten model I will elucidate how it is possible to define
the latter on random Regge surface. Finally, I will comment on a possible
relationship of that with the Turaev-Viro model of three dimensional
quantum gravity.
giovedi' 16-12-2004 (11:00) - Sala Seminari
Akira Ushijima :
Hyperbolic spatial graphs arising from strongly invertible knots
Argomento: Geometria
giovedi' 16-12-2004 (11:00) - Aula P (Polo Fibonacci)
Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) :
Teoremi Limite per il "bootstrap" dipendente della media
Let $\{X_n, n\ge 1\}$ be a sequence of random variables defined on a
probability space $(\Omega, {\cal F}, P)$. Let $\{m(n), n\ge 1\}$ and
$\{k(n), n\ge 1\}$ be two sequences of positive integers such that for
all $n\ge 1: m(n)\le n k(n). $ For $\omega \in \Omega$ and $n \geq 1$,
the dependent bootstrap is defined as the sample of size $m(n)$, denoted
$\{\hat{X}^{(\omega)}_{n, j}, 1 \leq j \leq m(n)\}$, drawn
without replacement from the collection of $n k(n)$ items made up of
$k(n)$ copies each of the sample observations $X_1(\omega), \cdots,
X_n(\omega)$. Let $\overline{X}_n(\omega) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n
X_j(\omega)$ denote the sample mean of $\{X_j(\omega), 1 \leq j \leq n\}$.
This dependent bootstrap procedure is proposed as a procedure to reduce
variation of estimators and to obtain better confidence intervals.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
Il Prof. Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) sara' ospite
del Dipartimento dall'11 Dicembre al 22 Dicembre prossimi.
Terra' due seminari, sui seguent argomenti:
1. Legge dei Grandi Numeri e Convergenza Completa
2. Teoremi Limite per il "bootstrap" dipendente della media
13-12-2004 (15:00) - aula P del Polo Fibonacci
Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) :
Legge dei Grandi Numeri e Convergenza Completa
The concept of complete convergence was introduced by Hsu and Robbins
(1947) as follows. A sequence of random variables $\{U_n, n \geq 1\}$ is
said to converge completely to a constant $C$ if $\sum^\infty_{n=1}
P\{|U_n - C | > \epsilon\} < \infty$ for all $\epsilon > 0$. In view
of the Borel-Cantelli lemma, this implies that $U_n \rightarrow C$
almost surely. Hsu and Robbins proved that the sequence of arithmetic
means of independent and identically distributed random variables
converges completely to the expected value if the variance of the
summands is
finite. We extend and generalize some recent results on complete
convergence for arrays of rowwise independent real and Banach space valued
random variables.
In the main result, no assumptions are made concerning the existence of
expected values or absolute moments of the random variables and no
assumptions are made concerning the geometry of the underlying Banach
space. Some well-known results from the literature are obtained easily as
corollaries. The corresponding convergence rates are also established.
Giorno Aula e orario da comunicare per il II seminario:
Teoremi Limite per il "bootstrap" dipendente della media
Let $\{X_n, n\ge 1\}$ be a sequence of random variables defined on a
probability space $(\Omega, {\cal F}, P)$. Let $\{m(n), n\ge 1\}$ and
$\{k(n), n\ge 1\}$ be two sequences of positive integers such that for
all $n\ge 1: m(n)\le n k(n). $ For $\omega \in \Omega$ and $n \geq 1$,
the dependent bootstrap is defined as the sample of size $m(n)$, denoted
$\{\hat{X}^{(\omega)}_{n, j}, 1 \leq j \leq m(n)\}$, drawn
without replacement from the collection of $n k(n)$ items made up of
$k(n)$ copies each of the sample observations $X_1(\omega), \cdots,
X_n(\omega)$. Let $\overline{X}_n(\omega) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n
X_j(\omega)$ denote the sample mean of $\{X_j(\omega), 1 \leq j \leq n\}$.
This dependent bootstrap procedure is proposed as a procedure to reduce
variation of estimators and to obtain better confidence intervals.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
Ciclo di seminari di Analisi Armonica
Il ciclo di seminari di Analisi Armonica sul tema
" Gelfand pairs: theory and examples"
tenuto dal sig. Fabio Ferrari Ruffino, allievo della SNS, avrà inizio:
Giovedì 9 dicembre alle ore 11.00
Aula Tonelli.
Il programma di seminari proseguirà a scadenza settimanale,
nella stessa aula e con lo stesso orario, salvo avvisi contari.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
venerdi' 10-12-2004 (16:00) - sala Seminari
Hideo Kubo (Universita' di Osaka , Giappone) :
Asymptotic profile of solutions to nonlinear systems of wave equations.
Seminario PDE
Abstract:We discuss asymptotic behavior of solutions
to nonlinear systems of wave equations. If the effect of the
nonlinearity is not so strong (i.e. short-range type), then
the global solution behaves like the free solution in the
large time. On the contrary, for some nonlinearity
of long-range type we can also construct a global
solution whose energy actually grows up. In this case,
the asymptotic profile of the solution is governed by
an inhomogeneous linear wave equation.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list
Colloquium Dipartimento di Matematica "L. Tonelli"
Boris Dubrovin , SISSA (Trieste)
Frobenius manifolds and Hamiltonian perturbations of hyperbolic PDEs
Mercoledi' 15/12/2004
ore 16, Aula Faedo
tutti sono invitati a partecipare
Mario Salvetti
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Pisa
Settimanale mailing list
martedi' 07-12-2004 (16:30) - Sala Riunioni
Luca Granieri :
Argomento: Analisi Matematica
Mediante il trasporto di Monge-Kantorovich lo spazio delle
misure di probabilita' puo' essere dotato di una distanza (detta di
Wasserstein) per la quale risulta essere uno spazio geodetico. In
particolare, tali geodetiche possono essere interpretate come delle
correnti metriche nello spazio delle probabilita'.
Scopo del seminario sara' quello di introdurre questi oggetti e di
proporre lo studio (in larga parte aperto) delle proprieta' di
minimalita' di queste correnti con vincoli geometrici.
Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare(a)dm.unipi.it
Settimanale mailing list