16:30-18:00, Aula Magna della Facolta\' di Scienze M.F.N.
Somatic Mutations in Cancer Cells
Lucio Luzzatto (Università di Genova MD, FRCP, FRC Path Scientific Director, Istituto Toscano Tumori (ITT))
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Seminari al Centro de Giorgi relativi all'attivita'
Continued fractions modular symbols periods of automorphic forms and theta
functions 30 April 2007 - 11 May 2007…
Tutti i seminari si svolgono in Sala Conferenze al CRM De Giorgi.
Wen May 2
10 Bringmann: Mock theta functions, weak Maass forms, and application
11.15 Lewis: Meromorphic functions with zeros or poles at the Maass spectral parameters
14.30 Zagier: TBA
Thu May 3
10 Bruggeman: Automorphic forms, cohomology groups, transfer operator
16.15 Mayer: The transfer operator for the Hecke triangle groups
Tue May 8
11.15 Di Vizio: TBA
Wen May 9
11.15 Vanhove: Modular properties of four gravitons amplitude
Thu May 10
14.30 Bonanno: The transfer operator of the Farey map and zeta functions
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