Inoltro avviso a me pervenuto.
L. Paoletti
----- Original Message -----
From: Segreteria CRM
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:32 AM
Subject: CRM PISA - Announcement for a research position at the Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. Deadline: February 15, 2010
Professor Luigi Ambrosio of the Scuola Normale Superiore has informed us that applications are invited for one research position in the frame of the European project ERC GeMeThNES “Geometric Measure Theory in non-Euclidean spaces” (ERC Grant Agreement N° 246923) whose objective is the study of “Geometric Measure Theory in non-Euclidean Spaces and Possible Applications to Partial Differential Equations and Optimal MassTransport Theory”.
More detailed information about research themes can be found at:…
Appointment is based on a two-year contract starting on 1 September 2010 until 31 August 2012.
The contract carries a salary of Euro 80,500.00.
Prospective candidates must have a master degree in Mathematics or Physics.
A PhD in Mathematics and English proficiency are additional relevant requisites for selection.
Application includes the following documents:
- Application form (available at:… )
- Detailed curriculum vitae
- One photocopy of the candidate’s identification document
Prospective candidate may also provide additional information such as research written works, documentary evidence of English proficiency (if first language is not English) and other items.
To complete the application, on a separate sheet the following reference to this position’s public announcement must be written:
Avviso n. 3 del 14 gennaio 2010, Progetto ERC GeMeThNES – Grant Agreement n. 246923
Deadline for applications is February 15th and applications must be sent by registered mail to the address given in the application form and must reach the Scuola Normale before that date.
Detailed information about application deadlines and full guidance for completing and submitting the application form are available in Italian at the address below:
Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Palazzo Puteano
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
56100 PISA
fax +39 050 509177
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