Lunedì 14 maggio 2018
ore 10:00
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Marie Curie
* Nages Shanmugalingham*
*(University of Cincinnati)*
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“**Geometric and analytic aspects of $\infty$-Poincar\'e inequalities**”*
*The study of absolute minimizing Lipschitz extensions and
infinity-harmonic** functions in the Euclidean setting was initiated by
Aronsson, Crandall and Evans, and is of great interest now, with optimal
regularity of solutions yet open. In the metric setting, and indeed even in
the weighted Euclidean setting, studies of such solutions are possible
under certain conditions on the metric space. One condition is the
existence of $\infty$-harmonic function. In this talk we will discuss this
inequality, and a geometric and analytic characterizations of this
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2017/2018
Mercoledì 23 Maggio 2018
ore 15:00
Sala Azzurra
Palazzo della Carovana
*Prof. ** Alessandro Curioni*
(IBM Fellow, Vice President Europe and Director IBM Research Zurich IBM
*Titolo: “**IBM Q: building the first universal quantum computers **for
business and science**”*
"We are at an exciting inflection point in quantum computing. The
disciplines of quantum physics and quantum information science are mature
to the point of producing a number of practical algorithms, and today's
quantum computers are capable of providing a concrete implementation with
which we can explore the possibilities of these techniques.
IBM has opened up real and simulated quantum computers for everyone to
learn how to program in this new paradigm.
One of the promising applications for quantum computing is in Materials and
Chemistry. With a quantum computer scientists and engineers expect to
untangle the complexity of molecular and chemical interactions leading to
the discovery of new materials and medicines, and model the quantum states
of molecules. We will discuss the status of the applications in this space
and share some recent activity.
Other potential application areas are Business Optimization, where a
quantum computer can provide improved solutions to complex optimization
problems found in supply chains, logistics, modeling financial data, and
risk analysis, or Machine Leaerning / AI, for instance to speed up the
training of classifiers or even build new types of systems."
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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