Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2018/2019
Mercoledì 8 maggio 2019
Sala StemmiPalazzo della Carovana
ore 15:00
Arthur Mallay Lesk
*(**Penn State University**)*
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
* “The architecture of proteins”*
Proteins present us with a great variety of three-dimensional structures,
selected to adopt unique folding patterns dictated by the aminoacid
sequences that support their biological functions. What are the
architectural principles that underlie the different protein structures,
and how can we try to determine them? Evolution gives important clues:
comparing related proteins one can observe which structural features are
preserved and which are variable. Several web sites provide structural
classifications of proteins, at the domain level. To dig deeper, one can
ask for a set of building blocks - below the domain level - from which all
known protein structures can be assembled. A long-range goal of such
investigations is a ‘periodic table’ of all possible protein folding
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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*lunedì 29 aprile 2019*
ore 11:00
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Tonelli
*Michael Röckner*
*Bielefeld University*
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“**The evolution to equilibrium of solutions to nonlinear Fokker-Planck
*The talk is about the so-called H -Theorem for a class of nonlinear
Fokker-Planck equations which are of porous media type on the whole
Euclidean space perturbed by a transport term. We first construct a
solution in the sense of mild solutions on L^1 through a nonlinear
semigroup of contractions. Then we study the asymptotic behavior of the
solutions when time tends to infinity. For a large class M of initial
conditions we show their relative compactness with respect to local L^1
convergence, while all limit points belong to L^1. Under an additional
assumption we obtain that we in fact have convergence in L^1, if the
initial condition is a probability density. The limit is then identified as
the unique stationary solution in M to the nonlinear Fokker-Planck
equation. This solution is thus an invariant measure of the solution to the
corresponding distribution dependent SDE whose time marginals converge to
it in L^1. It turns out that under our conditions the underlying nonlinear
Kolmogorov operator is a (both in the second and first order part)
nonlinear analog of the generator of a distorted Brownian motion. The
solution of the above mentioned distribution dependent SDE can thus be
interpreted as a “nonlinear distorted Brownian motion“. Our main technique
for the proofs is to construct a suitable Lyapunov function acting
nonlinearly on the path in L^1, which is given by the nonlinear contraction
semigroup applied to the initial condition, and then adapt a classical
technique of Pazy to our situation. This Lyapunov function is given by a
generalized entropy function (which in the linear case specializes to the
usual Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy) plus a mean energy part*
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze
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Michele VERDE
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla didattica e allievi
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
I - 56126 Pisa
Tel. 050-509048
E-Mail: michele.verde(a)
E-Mail: classi(a)
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*lunedì 15 aprile 2019*
ore 14:30
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Contini
*Vito Latora*
*Queen Mary University of London UK, and Università di Catania*
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“**Network structure and dynamics: when and how multiplex really matters?*
*After almost ten years of research on characterising the properties of
real-world networks with many layers, describing mathematically the
structure of multiplex networks, and modelling different types of dynamical
processes occurring over them, it is now time to draw the first conclusions
and try to answer a fundamental question: does multiplex really matter?
Focusing here both on the structure and on dynamics of multiplex networks,
we discuss some cases where multiplexity gives rise to the emergence of
novel behaviours, otherwise unobserved in single-layer networks.*
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze
- - - - -
Michele VERDE
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla didattica e allievi
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
I - 56126 Pisa
Tel. 050-509048
E-Mail: michele.verde(a)
E-Mail: classi(a)
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Michele VERDE
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla didattica e allievi
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
I - 56126 Pisa
Tel. 050-509048
E-Mail: michele.verde(a)
E-Mail: classi(a)
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Colloqui della Classe di Scienze -
Anno Accademico 2018/2019
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Mercoledì 10 aprile 2019
ore 15:00
Sala Azzurra
Palazzo della Carovana
*Umberto Bottazzini (Università degli Studi di Milano) *
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“**The immense sea of the infinite**”*
In a celebrated talk Hilbert stated that the infinite was nowhere to be
found in the real, external world. Yet from time immemorial the idea of
infinity has excited the human mind as no other subject. Beginning with the
image of the ocean of the indivisibles and the infinite, evoked by
Cavalieri and Fontenelle, to the works by Galilei and Descartes, Kepler and
Bruno, Pascal and Leibniz up to the Prize announced by the Berlin Academy
in 1784 for a rigorous theory of the infinite, and eventually up to
Dedekind’s and Cantor’s theories and beyond, in the talk I will try to
offer a picture of various aspects according to which the infinite has
been considered
by mathematicians, astronomers, philosophers, writers and poets over
the centuries.
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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*Martedì 9 aprile 2019*
ore 14:00
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Tonelli
*Agnieszka Hejna*
(Wroclaw University)
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“Dunkl theory and Hörmander multiplier theoremin the rational Dunkl
Dunkl theory is a generalization of Fourier analysis and special function
theory related to root systems and reflections groups. The Dunkl operators
are deformations of the directional derivatives related to the reflection
group. We shall discuss the objects related to the Dunkl Laplacian. In the
one-dimensional and in the product case the heat kernel can be expressed
explicitly in terms of classical special functions. In the general case
considered in this talk, no such precise information is available.
Furthermore, we will discuss an analogue of the classical Hörmander
multiplier theorem in the rational Dunkl setting.
This talk is based on joint work with Jacek Dziubanski.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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*venerdì 12 aprile 2019*
ore 11:00
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Mancini
*James Nagy*
(Department of Mathematics, Emory University)
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“MATLAB Tools for Large-Scale Linear Inverse Problems**”*
Inverse problems arise in a variety of applications: image processing, finance,
mathematical biology, and more. Mathematical models for these applications
may involve integral equations, partial differential equations, and
dynamical systems, and solution schemes are formulated by applying
algorithms that incorporate regularization techniques and/or statistical
approaches. In most cases these solutions schemes involve the need to solve
a large-scale ill-conditioned linear system that is corrupted by noise and
other errors. In this talk we describe
and demonstrate capabilities of a new MATLAB software package that consists
of state-of-the-art iterative methods for solving such systems, which
includes approaches that can automatically estimate regularization
parameters, stopping iterations, etc., making them very simple to use.
Thus, the package allows users to easily incorporate
into their own applications (or simply experiment with) different iterative
methods and regularization strategies with very little programming effort.
On the other hand, sophisticated users can also easily access various
options to tune the algorithms for certain applications. Moreover, the
package includes several test problems and examples to illustrate how the
iterative methods can be used on a variety of large-scale inverse problems.
The talk will begin with a brief introduction to inverse problems, discuss
considerations that are needed to compute an approximate solution, and
describe some details about new efficient hybrid Krylov subspace methods
that are implemented in our package. These methods can guide users in
automatically choosing regularization parameters,
and can be used to enforce various regularization schemes, such as sparsity.
We will use imaging examples that arise in medicine and astronomy to
illustrate the performance of the methods.
This is joint work with Silvia Gazzola (University of Bath) and
Per Christian Hansen (Technical University of Denmark).
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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Seminario di Finanza Quantitativa
*Venerdì 5 aprile 2019*
ore 11:00
*Scuola Normale Superiore*
Aula Mancini
*Josef Teichmann*
*(*ETH Zurich)
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
*“H\"ormander conditions, transport equations and supervised learning”*
We consider certain approxmation problems from machine learning as
controllability questions for (stochastic) transport equations. H\"ormander
conditions lead to new viewpoints on universal approximation theorems.
Joint work with Christa Cuchiero.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla Didattica e Allievi
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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