Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2020/2021
> Mercoledì 17 febbraio 2021
> ore 15:00
> *Alberto Mantovani*
> *(Humanitas University, Milano )*
> terrà un seminario dal titolo
> *abstract:*
> The immune system is an extremely complex orchestra. The immune system and
> the central nervous system are the two most complex set of cells,
> connections and mediators in our body. Alterations of immunity and
> inflammation represent a metanarrative of modern medicine, spanning from
> infectious diseases to cardiovascular pathology to cancer.
> Inflammatory cells and mediators are a key component of the tumor
> microenvironment. A change in paradigm and dissection of accelerators and
> brakes of immunity have spearheaded the birth of cancer immunotherapy.
> COVID-19 has highlighted how little we know of immunity to microbial
> challenges. As for cancer, a better understanding of the interaction of
> immunity with SARS-CoV-2 is likely to pave the way to new diagnostic and
> therapeutic tools.
> *Classe di Scienze*
> *Il seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. link per collegarsi
> all'evento: *
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