Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2021/2022
Mercoledì 23 marzo 2022
ore 15:00
*Silvestro Micera*
(*The BioRobotics Institute and * *Department of Excellence in Robotics
and AI**, **Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna**, Pisa, *
*Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Translational Neuroengineering**, *
*Engineering* *Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)**, Lausanne,
CH* )
terrà un seminario dal titolo
“Intraneural neuroprostheses to understand and restore sensory, motor, and
autonomic neural functions”
Neuroengineering is a novel discipline combining engineering including
micro and nanotechnology, electrical and mechanical, and computer science
with cellular, molecular, cognitive neuroscience with two main goals: (i)
increase our basic knowledge of how the nervous system works; (ii) develop
systems able to restore functions in people affected by different types of
neural disability. In the past years, several breakthroughs have been
reached by neuroengineers in particular on the development of
neurotechnologies able to restore sensorimotor functions in disabled
In this presentation, I will provide several examples on how implantable
interfaces can be used to restore sensory (tactile feedback for hand
prostheses, vision), motor (grasping, locomotion), and autonomic functions
(for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems) and how they can be used
also to understand cognitive functions such as language and decision
*Classe di Scienze*
*Il seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. *
* Il link per collegarsi all'evento: Entra nella riunione in Zoom:
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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Giovedì 10 marzo 2022
Aula Fermi
ore 16:00
Scuola Normale Superiore
Dr. Guido Lido
(Roma 2)
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Computations in the Poincaré torsor and the quadratic Chabauty method"
(Joint work with Bas Edixhoven.)
Falting's theorem states that a curve C of genus g>1 defined over the
rationals has a finite number of rational points. In practice anyway there
is no general procedure to provably compute the set C(Q). When the rank of
the Mordell-Weil group J(Q) (with J the Jacobian of C) is smaller than g we
can use Chabauty method, i.e. we can embed C in J and, after choosing a
prime p, we can view C(Q) as a subset of the intersection of C(Q_p) and
the closure of J(Q) inside the p-adic manifold J(Q_p); this intersection
is always finite and computable up to finite precision.
Minhyong Kim has generalized this method by inspecting (possibly
non-abelian) quotients of the fundamental group of C. His ideas have been
made effective in some new cases by Balakrishnan, Dogra, Muller, Tuitman
and Vonk: their "quadratic Chabauty method" works when the rank of the
Mordell-Weil group is strictly less than g + s -1 (with s the rank of the
Neron-Severi group of J).
In the seminar we will give a reinterpretation of the quadratic Chabauty
method, only using the Poincaré torsor of J and a little of formal
geometry, and we will show how to make it effective.
Il seminario si terrà in presenza. Chi fosse interessato a partecipare in
presenza deve scrivere a andrea.ferraguti(a) entro le 10:00 di Giovedì
10 marzo 2022.
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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Giovedì 10 marzo 2022
Aula Fermi
ore 15:00
Scuola Normale Superiore
Prof. Emanuel Carneiro
(ICTP Trieste)
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Certainty vs uncertainty"
This will be a talk, intended to a broad audience, at the interface of
harmonic analysis and number theory. We will discuss some of the different
faces of the uncertainty principle for the Fourier transform and its
connections to lattices, packing problems, and themes in algebraic number
theory. We will start with the classical results, pass through some of the
recent applications, and slowly move towards uncharted territories.
Il seminario si terrà in presenza. Chi fosse interessato a partecipare in
presenza deve scrivere a andrea.ferraguti(a) entro le 10:00 di Giovedì
10 marzo 2022.
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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*Avviso Seminario di Matematica*
Lunedì 7 marzo 2022, ore 11:15, Aula Volterra
Speaker: *Prof. Nicola Guglielmi* (GSSI)
Titolo: Eigenvalue Optimization via Low-Rank ODEs
Abstract: Stability and robustness analysis of linear continuous and
dynamical systems is a vast and active interdisciplinary research area.
Although the word stability is used in many different contexts, in this
talk it is
meant to indicate the broad spectrum of issues that arise in the analytical
numerical study of dynamical and control systems, especially in relation to
information of the system under study.
These issues result from the need to develop stable and reliable systems
preserving essential qualitative properties.
The analysis of these features is often based on eigenvalue optimization or
on pseudospectral
measures of a certain matrix A, where the structure of A (e.g., sparse,
Hamiltonian, nonnegative,
Toeplitz, etc.) plays an important role.
The main goal of this talk is to show how these structured distances can be
The proposed method is a two-level iterative algorithm, where in an inner
iteration a
gradient flow drives perturbations to the original matrix of a fixed size
into a minimum of a
functional that depends on eigenvalues (and possibly eigenvectors), and in
an outer iteration
the perturbation size is optimized such that the functional reaches some
target value (for
example 0).
An interesting point - related to certain low-rank properties of
extremizers - lies in the
possibility of considering gradient flows on low-rank manifolds.
The talk is mainly inspired by joint works with Christian Lubich
Il seminario si terrà in presenza. Chi fosse interessato a partecipare deve
scrivere a classi(a) entro le 9:00 di Lunedì 7 marzo 2022.
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)
E-mail: classi(a)
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