*Avviso Seminario di Matematica*
Lunedì 7 marzo 2022, ore 11:15, Aula Volterra
Speaker: *Prof. Nicola Guglielmi* (GSSI)
Titolo: Eigenvalue Optimization via Low-Rank ODEs
Abstract: Stability and robustness analysis of linear continuous and
dynamical systems is a vast and active interdisciplinary research area.
Although the word stability is used in many different contexts, in this
talk it is
meant to indicate the broad spectrum of issues that arise in the analytical
numerical study of dynamical and control systems, especially in relation to
information of the system under study.
These issues result from the need to develop stable and reliable systems
preserving essential qualitative properties.
The analysis of these features is often based on eigenvalue optimization or
on pseudospectral
measures of a certain matrix A, where the structure of A (e.g., sparse,
Hamiltonian, nonnegative,
Toeplitz, etc.) plays an important role.
The main goal of this talk is to show how these structured distances can be
The proposed method is a two-level iterative algorithm, where in an inner
iteration a
gradient flow drives perturbations to the original matrix of a fixed size
into a minimum of a
functional that depends on eigenvalues (and possibly eigenvectors), and in
an outer iteration
the perturbation size is optimized such that the functional reaches some
target value (for
example 0).
An interesting point - related to certain low-rank properties of
extremizers - lies in the
possibility of considering gradient flows on low-rank manifolds.
The talk is mainly inspired by joint works with Christian Lubich
Il seminario si terrà in presenza. Chi fosse interessato a partecipare deve
scrivere a classi(a)sns.it entro le 9:00 di Lunedì 7 marzo 2022.
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)sns.it
E-mail: classi(a)sns.it
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Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2021/2022
Mercoledì 16 febbraio 2022
ore 15:00
*Angelo Vulpiani*
(Università Roma, La Sapienza)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
* “ Multifractal approach to fully developed turbulence”*
The idea of the multifractals is basically contained in the large deviation
theory; however, the introduction of the multifractal description in the
1980s had an important role in statistical physics, chaos and disordered
systems. In particular, it clarified rather neatly that the usual idea,
coming from critical phenomena, that just a few scaling exponents are
relevant, is not completely correct, and an infinite set of exponents is
indeed necessary for a complete characterization of the scaling features. I
discuss the multifractal approach to fully developed turbulence, and in
particular some nontrivial predictions for the statistical properties of
the velocity gradients, the existence of an intermediate dissipative range
and Lagrangian statistics.
*Classe di Scienze*
*Il seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. *
* Il link per collegarsi all'evento: Entra nella riunione in Zoom:
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)sns.it
E-mail: classi(a)sns.it
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Avviso Seminari nell'ambito del corso *Explainable AI*
*Tuesday February 8, from 4:00-6:00 PM in Sala Azzurra (Palazzo Carovana)*
Within the course *Explainable AI, Prof. Francesca Toni* (Professor in
Computational Logic and Royal Academy of Engineering/JP Morgan Research
Chair on Argumentation-based Interactive Explainable AI at the Department
of Computing, Imperial College London, UK) will give a seminar on "*Explaining
with argumentationIt"*.
Abstract: Explaining with argumentationIt is widely acknowledged that
transparency of automated decision making is crucial for deployability of
intelligent systems, and explaining the reasons why some outputs are
computed is a way to achieve this transparency. The form that explanations
should take, however, is much less clear. In this talk I will explore two
classes of explanations, which I call 'lean' and 'mechanistic': the former
focus on the inputs contributing to decisions given in output; the latter
reflect instead the internal functioning of the automated decision making
fed with the inputs and computing those outputs. I will show how both
classes of explanations can be supported by forms of computational
argumentation, and will describe forms of argumentative XAI in several
settings, including multi-attribute decision making and machine learning.
Link for on-line participation:
*Thuresday February 10, from 4:00-6:00 PM in Aula Bianchi Scienze (Palazzo
Within the course *Explainable AI, Prof. **Andrea Omicini*: (Department of
Computer Science Univ. Bologna) will give a seminar on
“Explaining by design - On the integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic”
Link for on-line participation:
I seminari si terranno sia in modalità blended. Gli utenti esterni che
vorranno partecipare in presenza sono invitati a inviare all'indirizzo
classi(a)sns.it un messaggio entro le ore 14:00 di Martedì 8 febbraio 2022.
Classe di scienze
Fosca Giannotti
Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa - Italy
KDD Lab. - ISTI - CNR Pisa - Italy,
P.I. ERC AG XAI: Science and technology for the eXplanation of AI decision
making https://xai-project.eu/
tel.: +39 050 6212999 mob: +39 3483972190
e_mail: fosca.giannotti(a)sns.it fosca.giannotti(a)isti.cnr.it
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Mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022
>> Aula Fermi
> ore 16:30
> Scuola Normale Superiore
>> Pisa
>> *Toni Ikonen *
>> (Università di Jyvaskyla)
>> terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Quasiconformal geometry and removable sets for conformal mappings"
We are interested in constructing metric spaces by studying lower
semicontinuous weights in the plane. Given such a weight, one can define a
length distance as in the classical Riemannian setting and study the
regularity of the space. We are interested in locally bounded weights that
vanish on a Cantor set in the plane, in which case the construction always
defines a length distance. We want to understand when the constructed
length space admits a quasiconformal parametrization by a Riemannian
surface. We provide a sufficient condition on the "allowed" Cantor sets: A
compact set is removable for conformal mappings if conformal maps defined
on its complement are restrictions of Möbius transformations. Such sets are
always Cantor sets and every weight vanishing on it yields a length space
admitting a quasiconformal parametrization by a Riemannian surface. We also
discuss a suitable converse of this result.
The talk is based on the joint work "Quasiconformal geometry and removable
sets for conformal mappings" (to appear in J. Anal. Math.) with Matthew
Il seminario si terrà in modalità mista, sia in presenza che da remoto. Chi
fosse interessato a partecipare in presenza deve scrive a classi(a)sns.it
entro le 14:00 di Mercoledì 2 febbraio 2022.
Link per collegarsi da remoto:
Classe di Scienze
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)sns.it
E-mail: classi(a)sns.it
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Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2021/2022
Martedì 2 febbraio 2022
ore 15:00
*Corinna Ulcigrai*
(ETH, Zurich - Switzerland)
terrà un seminario dal titolo
* “ Slow Chaos”*
How can we understand chaotic behavior mathematically? A well popularized
feature of chaotic systems is the butterfly effect: a small variation of
initial conditions may lead to a drastically different future evolution, a
mechanism at the base of the so-called 'deterministic chaos'. We will
introduce and focus on 'slowly chaotic' dynamical systems', for which the
butterfly effect happens "slowly" (e.g. at polynomial speed). These include
many fundamental examples coming from physics, such as the Ehrenfest
billiard and the Novikov model of electrons in a metal. In the talk we will
survey some of the recent advances in our understanding of their typical
chaotic features as well as common mechanisms for chaos.
*Classe di Scienze*
*Il seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. *
* Il link per collegarsi all'evento: Entra nella riunione in Zoom:*
Valeria Giuliani
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio Attività Didattiche
tel. 050 509260
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)sns.it
E-mail: classi(a)sns.it
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*Seminario di Matematica*
Kasun Fernando Akurugodage (Centro De Giorgi)
Monday November 22nd, 10.00, Aula Dini
*Title: Higher Order Asymptotics in the Central Limit Theorem for Dynamical
Systems *
*Abstract: My research mainly focuses on statistical properties of
dynamical systems, and in particular, on the Edgeworth expansion which
describes the error of the Gaussian approximation. In this talk, I will
introduce these expansions and discuss how it can be used to show the
consistency and the second order accuracy of the bootstrap, a widely used
tool in inferential statistics, when applied to dynamical systems.*
If someone *not affiliated* to Scuola Normale is interested in attending in
please send an e-mail to andrea.malchiodi(a)sns.it including a phone number
> Hai ricevuto questo messaggio perché sei iscritto al gruppo "Classi" di
> Google Gruppi.
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> <https://groups.google.com/a/sns.it/d/msgid/classi/be86f677-d201-232b-8e7d-f…>
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*Seminario di Matematica*
Bogdan Raita (Centro De Giorgi)
Monday November 22nd, 9.00, Aula Dini
*Title: On the compensated compactness method for concentration
effects* *Abstract:
We present some new and surprising examples of uniform integrability of
sequences satisfying both a linear pde constraint and a (nonlinear)
pointwise constraint. One example that we will explore would be higher
integrability of hessian sequences that does not follow from the theory of
quasiregular mappings. Earlier examples can be found in the works of D.
Serre and G. De Philippis et al. We identify a new phenomenon that gives a
counterexample to a conjecture in G. De Philippis et al. Some of our proofs
rely on the theory of k-hessian equations. This is joint work with A.
Guerra and M. Schrecker.*
If someone *not affiliated* to Scuola Normale is interested in attending in
please send an e-mail to andrea.malchiodi(a)sns.it including a phone number
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> *Reading Seminar on Allen-Cahn equation*
> Dear All,
> we will shortly start a reading seminar on the Allen-Cahn equation.
> We plan to cover the following topics.
> Preliminaries on Gamma-convergence
> De Giorgi's conjecture and relation to the Bernstein problem
> Multiple-phase models
> Evolutive models and relation to Brekke's flow
> The first lecture, by Francesco Palmurella, will be on
> *Thursday November 18th in Aula Dini*.
> If you are interested in attending in presence, please send
> an e-mail to andrea.malchiodi(a)sns.it
> Please add your telephone number if you are *not* affiliated to
> Scuola Normale.
> Best regards,
> Andrea Malchiodi
> --
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> Google Gruppi.
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> email, invia un'email a classi+unsubscribe(a)sns.it.
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> https://groups.google.com/a/sns.it/d/msgid/classi/b9db91be-c469-c51d-380c-d…
> <https://groups.google.com/a/sns.it/d/msgid/classi/b9db91be-c469-c51d-380c-d…>
> .
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*Avviso Seminario di Matematica*
* Monday 15th November 2021 (aula Dini) 9.00-9.50 Giulio Bresciani (Centro
De giorgi) Title - A down to earth introduction to anabelian geometry
Abstract - Anabelian geometry is the study of a series of daring
conjectures formulated by Grothendieck about the interactions between the
geometric, topologic and arithmetic aspects of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.
Let g>=2 be an integer and write Pg for the profinite completion of the
fundamental group of the compact, oriented surface of genus g. If X is a
Riemann surface of genus g defined by an equation with coefficients in Q
(more generally, a number field), then X induces an outer action of the
absolute Galois group of Q on Pg. Loosely speaking, Grothedieck's anabelian
conjectures aim to reconstruct X completely from this outer action. We are
going to explain these conjectures together with some of the ideas and
results which inspired Grothendieck. Finally, we will state some of the
most important results available. *
ll seminario si terrà in modalità mista.
Tutti gli interessati a partecipare in presenza devono contattare per email
il dr. Gioacchino Antonelli (gioacchino.antonelli(a)sns.it).
link per collegarsi all'evento:
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*Si comunica che il Seminario del prof. Giorgio Stefani si terrà in aula
Fermi, anziché in aula Volterra come precedentemente comunicato.*
*Avviso Seminari di Matematica*
> Mercoledì 17 novembre 2021
>> ore 14:30
>> (Aula Fermi)
>>> Scuola Normale Superiore
>>> Pisa
>>> *Giorgio Stefani*
>>> (University of Basel)
>>> terrà un seminario dal titolo:
> *" An elementary proof of existence and uniqueness for the Euler flow in
> localized Yudovich spaces"*
> *abstract:*
> * We revisit Yudovich’s well-posedness result for the 2-dimensional Euler
> equations for an inviscid incompressible fluid. Existence of global-in-time
> weak solutions holds in suitable uniformly-localized versions of the
> Lebesgue space and of the Yudovich space, respectively, for the vorticity,
> with explicit modulus of continuity for the associated velocity. Uniqueness
> of weak solutions, in contrast to Yudovich’s energy method, follows from a
> Lagrangian comparison. Our entire argument relies on elementary
> real-variable techniques, with no use of either Sobolev spaces,
> Calderón-Zygmund theory or Littlewood-Paley decomposition, and actually
> applies not only to the Biot-Savart law, but also to more general operators
> whose kernels obey some natural structural assumptions. This is a joint
> work in collaboration with Gianluca Crippa. *
> il seminario si terrà in modalità mista.
> Tutti gli interessati a partecipare in presenza devono contattare per
> email il dr. Gioacchino Antonelli (gioacchino.antonelli(a)sns.it).
> link per collegarsi all'evento:
> https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aU6a57NlVFWbcy9kcfM4uzZIySQNc…
> Classe di Scienze
> Valeria Giuliani
> Scuola Normale Superiore
> Servizio Attività Didattiche
> tel. 050 509260
> Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7
> 56126 Pisa
> E-mail: valeria.giuliani(a)sns.it
> E-mail: classi(a)sns.it
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