Workshop "Algebra Commutativa e Computazionale" 5-6 Dicembre - Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica ============================= Venerdi' 5 Dicembre: ore 10.30.A.Conca:Sui Numeri di Betti e ideali iniziali ore 11.45. F.Brenti:Polinomi di Kazhdan-Lusztig ed accoppiamenti speciali". ===========================
============================ ore 15.30. J.Abbott: The Latest Developments in CoCoA ore 16. M.E.Rossi: Regolarita' di Castenuovo-Mumford e finitezza delle funzioni di Hilbert. ore 16.30 Break ore 17. M.Barile: "Rango aritmetico di varietà toriche". ore 17.30 D.Ferrarello: "Binomial ideals and graph theory". ===================================================
==================================================== Sabato 6 Dicembre ore 10 :A.Galligo:Semi-implicit representation of surfaces and application in CAGD. ore 11.15 T.Daly : "Computational Mathematics and Literate Programming" (ABSTRACT : Computational Mathematics is a discipline that fits between traditional Mathematics and Computer Science. It has its own body of research (e.g. simplification) and its own topics of concern (e.g. intermediate expression swell). In thirty years there will be portions of Mathematics which require computers. We need to develop the technologies and techniques for unifying Mathematics and Computation. Literate programming is one of those techniques. This talk will cover the current use of Literate Programming in Axiom as well as future plans.)
Giulia Curciarello Segreteria Didattica tel: 050-2213219 e-mail
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