giovedì 22 novembre 2007
ore 11.00
Scuola Normale Superiore
(Aula Tonelli)
Vittoria Pierfelice
Université de Orléans
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Global wellposedness and scattering results for nonlinear Schrödinger equations on
hyperbolic spaces"
We study the dispersive properties of the Schrödinger equation on hyperbolic spaces, obtaining Strichartz estimates for a broader family of admissible pairs of exponents.
As a first consequence, we obtain considerably stronger wellposedness results for NLS. A second important application of our global Strichartz estimates is to prove scattering for NLS both in L2 and in H1, without any assumption of symmetry or gauge invariance. Notice that, in the euclidean case, this is only possible for the critical power 1+4/n and can be false for subcritical powers, while on the hyperbolic space global existence and scattering of small L2 solutions holds for all powers strictly between 1 and 1+4/n. This is a direct effect of the negative curvature
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Classe di Scienze
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